Subject A5 and A6

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The light zoomed into a forest.

The trees rustled.

The sound of explosions and words could be heard.

It was a war zone.

Subject A5.

A teenager with yellow hair and blue eyes.

Also known as Naruto Uzumaki.

Subject A6.

A teenager with dark, purplish hair and light purplish eyes.

Also known as Hinata Hyuga.

The fight has lasted for five days.

Everyone was tired and bruised.

They still went on.

Jonins and ANBU members were fighting against the reanimated seven swordsmen of  the mist.

There were hundreds of deaths.

But only four of the swordsmen were killed. 

Ameyuri Ringo.

Jinin Akebino.

Jinpachi Munashi.

Zabuza Momochi.

The rest was still alive and killing Jonins one by one. 

Naruto was fighting against Kushimaru Kuriarare, the wielder of long sword Nuibari.

It was foggy and that caused Naruto to be blind.

'I can only rely on my senses other than my eyes... Ugh that's annoying'

Naruto could only hear shouts of pain and the splatter of blood.

He felt someone behind and struck out.

Just to realize it was Hinata.

He stopped mid punch and apologized .

Just before Hinata could even have time blushing, she saw with her byakugan the needle like sword flying toward Naruto.

"Naruto-kun! Behind you!"

Hinata pushed Naruto away and tried to move herself too.

She was too slow, she couldn't jump away in time.

Instead she tilted her body.


She could feel the warm liquid running down her arm.

"N-naruto kun?"

He could not be seen.


Hinata panicked.

'What if I pushed him to the enemy and he died or something!"

'No. Naruto-kun is strong. He would know what he is doing."

Just then Fubuki Suikazan with his Samehada found Hinata standing there lost in thought.

'An easy target'

He smiled and rushed towards her.

Hinata startled by the noise that grew louder and louder.

She realized it was coming towards her.

Before she could react, Fubuki was standing over her with his Samehada raised. 

"Good bye girlie!"

He swung.

But the girl was gone.

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