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"Everyone had a secret crush that they never talked about." 

"I'm gonna flat line with that charm."

"Haye, that smile! I can stare at him all day."

"What are you even staring at? He's just standing. You're drooling as if he's shirtless."

"If I could, I would put him in my pocket right now."

"Pft ... Love? ... You're being plain delirious. It's just a crush."

"I like 'like' him. And I'll keep doing it."

"He'll never know about me."

"Ma'am I'll give it in the next class." "Don't jump his bones. I promise we'll kidnap him after school." "S-shut up, idiot."

"Look at that blush."

"He'll never be a distraction. He's my motivation to be better."

"It's supposed to be a mere crush. He's meant to be a fresh breath of air , then why does he keep being the anchor who weighs my heart down."

"Who hurt you? My own expectations."

"She? She wants to woo him? Then ask her to get down on one knee , then he'll even think about it."

"Anything in the world can go wrong, but not our friendship."

"I can be the rain for him, but it doesn't matter because he won't look up."

"How could I be so stupid?"

"I'll never revisit that suffocation in my life again. In no way in hell , I'll associate myself with that crowd again." 


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