16 | Harry Potter x Solarballs AU

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Yeah. Don't be surprised, I think most of us knew I  was gonna do this eventually. If people do request for more of this AU, I'll do it. I'll probably update this if I get other things figure out. This will best be understood if you have a basic understanding of Harry Potter (either the books, movies, or both!)

Special shout-out to the people on my message wall encouraging me and giving me ideas!


- This AU still takes place in outer space, in the solar system. They're not Earthlings, but life still exists on exclusively Earth. Earthlings do NOT have magic powers.

- The solar system is not the only one with wizardry but it's the most well known system out of the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

- Some biological relations will completely vary and others will stay the same (NO PROSHIPPING THOUGH OF COURSE!!) this includes ages of characters and what role they'll play. Some SB characters might have two roles to play as they fit both of those roles. Sorry if my wordings confusing lmao.

- There's not a giant school building like Hogwarts since they're in outer space and any structure just... wouldn't work. I'm still working on the world building.

- Earth's Parents: Proto-Earth and Theia are Earth's parents. Which makes Proto-Earth and Earth two separate planets. Don't ask me how that works, I don't know either.

- I don't like most AU's where Iris is a "good guy", it usually rubs me the wrong way. BUT! @SmurfleTheSmurf proposed the idea where Iris would be Earth's godfather. It partly has to do with the fact that Theia's name is based off the goddess of vision, and Iris.. well.. self explanatory.

- Houses: You're kind of assigned one at 'birth.' Using some magic, you're sorted on one based on how your personality is most likely to be. It's not based on colors or what looks "nice" on you, it's purely based off your personality, abilities, and traits.

- Muggles: Some celestial objects aren't sorted into a house at birth, which makes them a "muggle"— using this term VERY loosely— and they don't possess any form of magic. It's unknown why this happens. Yeah, I know that you're either given magic at birth or don't have it all  in the Wizarding World but to keep myself from getting a headache.. we'll do this.

- Celestial bodies without magic are aware that there's magic existing. There's not much to hide since it's so commonly used! Plus, they have their own gravitational fields which counts as powers... kinda?

- On the contrary, most Earthlings are completely unaware. They just pass it off as rare space events most. The ones who do (cough cough, Mr Rotsar) keep it as a government secret.

-  Magical Creatures: Most of them (ex. dementors, ghouls, boggarts, basiliks etc) exist in this universe as well. They didn't "come from Earth's surface" cause they don't exist there... they don't exist on any planet. I'd say they were born out the reminiscence of magic gone wrong/explosions/collisions/created by a celestial object.

- Quidditch: The equivalent of Asteroid Dodgeball. It is still a professional sport, but it's mostly played for fun nowadays.

- No special broomsticks here :( the sentient space objects can already float/fly if they wanted to cause its space. There are wands though!!

- The Moon Revolution: It doesn't happen. There's no driving force to it. However I will say, some moons that participated in the canonic Moon Revolution were/are "Death Eaters" in this AU (Hades' lil gang of evil.)

- Azkaban: The outer limit of the Kuiper Belt far past Pluto's orbit, sometimes even extending to the Oort Cloud. Anyone sentenced here (planets/dwarf planets/moons) are basically ejected from the solar system. Overtime they're driven insane because there's almost nobody there, comets/asteroids hitting you constantly, and soul-sucking creatures! Yowch.
Side note: Hades did NOT get sentenced to Azkaban. But Ceres and Iris did!

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