23 | GHE x Solarballs Earth - "Viscera, Shiny in the Light of Day"

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A/N: I don't usually like doing GHE x Solarballs related stuff, but this is an exception. A mini AU in which Iris (and his moons) attack Earth. Yet, with a little twist.

I think it's about time someone writes something where Earth fights back, whether he wins or loses.

- Descriptive blood, violence, and death. 
- Swearing, but I think it isn't too bad compared to the other CW'S.

HolyBleachAndWater You'll enjoy this one a lot, trust me :]

The air was rich and heavy with blood, stinging Earth's nose as a wave of nausea hit him. He had been looking throughout the solar system for his sole moon, Luna, after Phobos and Deimos voiced their concerns for him. Blood. In the asteroid belt, everything's still and dry, and scents reached him more easily. From a long distance he could smell... bad things. That's how he found them.

He was poking around the edge of the belt, and found himself lost in the open sky. Now that he was in a clearing, he might've be able to find Luna. That's when a sound began to reach his ears, labored and heavy with a phlegmy rattle. A chill creeping down his spine, he glanced around until he saw a mass a couple distances away, a dark stain against the dim light. "...Luna?"

That couldn't be—

A streak of red flashed in the corner of his eye, and Earth barely had a chance to turn before narrow shape barreled into him. Adrenaline pulsing through him, he pushed upwards and shoved it off, just as he felt a small (yet dangerously sharp) asteroid barely graze him.

The shape darted back and he finally saw his attacker, a rusted red moon that looked horribly disfigured with a horrifying grin on its faces. "Little blue thing!" they purred. Ironic, considering Earth was way larger than them. "Oh, I better not hurt you too badly, the boss is so interested in you. But surely you don't need your eyes to talk!"

As the moon sprang forwards, Earth instinctively threw a nearby asteroid into the side of their face and pushed them away. They chittered and thumped on the ground, wiping blood off their cheek.

"Where the FUCK is my moon!?" Earth spat, cold fury etched in every inch of his face.

"The little gray one? We almost had him, too bad he ran off to go find you instead."  Relief washed over Earth. His moon was safe. The moon observed the blood on their fingers with a morbidly curious look, before returning their gaze back to him. They bared their chipped, yellow teeth. Before they could even try attacking him again, Earth grabbed them by the wrist and roughly slammed them into the ground as hard as possible.

Earth kicked them aside, attempting to run back to the inner solar system before there was a strange whistling noise next to his ear and then pain exploded down the side of his cheek. It wasn't enough to leak into his atmosphere, but it was a considerable amount of blood.  It wasn't the moon from before, so then.. what.. what had—

Distantly Earth saw a semi-rounded shape circling around him, but he couldn't manage to track it as it swooped closer. But just as the dying sunlight caught his eye he saw a flicker of yellow, and his mind caught onto that like an anchor.

They didn't call him the best at asteroid dodgeball for nothing.

He saw something reach out for him out of the corner of his eye, and he whipped around. Abruptly his fingers snatched onto a strange tendril-like string, and he grit his teeth and held on. He harshly yanked the figure back towards him. Anger flared in his chest as he thought of what these moons were doing to him, the lives they might've already ruined, and he brought an asteroid around to rip and tear blindly.

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