Prologue (edited)

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On the hill spouted above the river of chaos, the self created sun Goddess birthed

The Goddess of moisture Tefnut

The God of air Shu

Birthed the Goddess of abundance and fertility Bastet

The Goddess of love and beauty Hathor

The Goddess of truth and justice Maat

The Goddess of catastrophe Sekhmet.

Her children Tefnut and Shu, loved each other

They gave birth to the Goddess of the sky Nut and the God of the earth Geb

Nut and Geb were in love and wanted to have a child.


"Geb's and Nut's child shall rule Egypt"

After hearing the prophecy, the sun Goddess became jealous

And cursed Nut to never bear any children

Nut, saddened by this, sought out the God of children and wisdom Thoth and asked for assistance.

Though took pity on her and made a wager with the sun Goddess over a game of senet*

With his shining wisdom, he won the game and made the sun Goddess cover his eyes for four days.

During the four days they were sanctioned, Nut and Geb gave birth to

The God of life Osiris

The Goddess of magic Isis

The Goddess of harmony Nephthys

And the God of war and deserts Set

Four Gods birthed by the sky and earth

The Goddess of the sky Nut who encompassed the world

And the God of the earth Geb

Dividing the sky and the earth

The God of air Shu

The Goddess of moisture Tefnut

Even the sun Goddess, creator of all things.

The Egyptians named these ten Gods 'The ENNEAD.'

Set, the God of war and deserts, ruled the sands and protected Egypt from outside enemies

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