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The drive to Lena's place was a little longer but they made it safely. "Do you think they heard us?" Lena asked. "If they did we'll never hear the end of it." Kara replied. "How are you not drunk?" Lena whined as Kara pulled into the parking garage. "Like my sister I have a high tolerance for alcohol. Come on...you need to get to bed." Kara stated as she grabbed her stuff from the back end. Lena sat in the wheelchair and Kara pushed her onto the private elevator. "Nurse Kara!" Lena cooed. "Be a good patient and be quiet!" Kara replied with a smirk. "You're not nice! I'm your patient! You need to be nice to me!" Lena groaned. Kara rolled her eyes at the dark haired woman's antics. "We're here! Unlock the door and go to bed. I'll sleep on the sofa." Kara stated.

"Noooo! You can sleep with me...just sleep Kara...don't get any ideas..." Lena exclaimed. Kara leaned down and whispered. "I would never dream of taking advantage of a drunken woman. Now where's your room?" Kara asked. Lena pointed to the hallway and Kara pushed the wheelchair along. "Get undressed....I'll go change in the bathroom." Kara stated as she helped Lena up from her chair. Lena nodded and went to her closet while Kara grabbed her chair and walked it into the bathroom. A few minutes later Kara emerged holding her prosthetic leg in her hand while she wheeled over to the bed. Lena sat up in bed and watched in pure amazement as Kara easily got from the chair to the bed in her boxers and Tshirt.

"You do that with so much grace." Lena stated. "Lots of practice. I can tell you have questions, you can ask anything you want to know." Kara stated as she lay back on the pillow. "Do you have phantom pains still?" Lena asked. "Once in a while." Kara replied. "Is there any shrapnel in there?" Lena asked pointing to Kara's stump. "No. I had a really good set of surgeons. They got everything out in the hospital." Kara replied. "So does everything else work?" Lena asked. "If you're asking if I still have periods and if I can have children, I can. All of that still works. Any more questions?" Kara asked. "Just one.." Lena replied. Kara nodded encouraging her to ask.

"Will you make me another one of those burritos in the morning beautiful?" Lena asked smiling at her. "Of course Lee. Now go to sleep." Kara whispered. Lena nodded before she rolled over into Karas arms surprising the blonde. Kara's heart began to race as she gingerly draped an arm around Lena and shut her eyes. "I like you Kara Danvers...more than a friend and employee..." Lena whispered in her sleep. Butterflies flapped loudly in Kara's stomach as she did her best to fall asleep.

In the morning Lena woke up to an empty space in her bed. The wheelchair was gone and she heard the shower running. Intrigued Lena got up out of bed and peeked into her bathroom. The sight that she found caused a strangled gasp from her throat. Kara was rolling out of the shower and wrapping up in a towel before she began doing her hair with nothing more than a hairbrush and a hair tie. Lena backed off and slipped back into bed making it look like she was just getting up.

A few minutes later Kara came out in the wheelchair dressed in a tshirt, khaki pants, with her hair in a ponytail. "Good morning! Sleep well?" Kara asked as she looked at Lena. "Uh yea did you?" Lena asked. "Yes, I did. Thanks for letting me stay here." Kara replied as she grabbed her prosthetic leg stuff and rolled her pant leg up. "Want some help?" Lena asked. "Oh no, I'm a pro at it now....but er..thanks." Kara replied. "Did I say anything strange last night? I'm trying to remember but I can't remember much except us sneaking into Alex's place. And coming here." Lena asked.

Kara took a moment before responding. "You asked me to make burritos. You asked a few questions about my stump and if everything worked. Then you may or may not have told me that you have a tattoo on your ass." Kara replied smirking at her. "I DO NOT!" Lena exclaimed. "I know! I checked! Just kidding! You Lena Luthor are very easy to wind up un the morning!" Kara teased. "Kara Danvers! I should throw something at you! You are not nice!" Lena replied laughing. "Probably another reason I'm single! Go on get ready...I'll make you breakfast." Kara said as she unrolled her pant leg and walked out holding her chair and her bag of clothes.

Lena walked into the bathroom and was engulfed with the smell of Kara's body wash and shampoo. 'Lavender...my favorite scent.' Lena thought to herself. She quickly washed up and got ready for her Saturday. When she walked out to the kitchen she had on a pair of shorts, a tanktop and her hair up in a bun. Kara was rolling up the last burrito, the small table had orange juice in two glasses and a small bowl of fruit beside the plats. "Ah you're up! Good, sit..eat!" Kara said as she grabbed her plate and joined Lena at the table. "Do you do this for every woman you spend the night with? Or am I special?" Lena asked teasingly. Suddenly Kara heard what Lena said last night. 'I like you Kra Danvers...more than a friend...and employee...' "No...only the ones that help me sneak into my sisters place while shes got someone over and then let me crash in their bed." Kara replied.

Back in Alex's apartment the women were just waking up. "Oh god! Kara's gonna kill us!" Sam whispered. "She's not here." Alex replied pulling Sam back into her arms. "How do you know?" Sam asked. "She would be in the kitchen by now. She probably stayed in a hotel." Alex explained.  "Or...she could have stayed at Lena's!" Sam exclaimed. "Doubtful. Kara doesn't like to impose on people like that." Alex replied.

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