Psycho; Maniac Between Worlds

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A young man sits in a padded cell within an insane asylum on New Year's Eve.

But he doesn't know that. He doesn't know what day it is. Not even his own name. They stopped calling him by his name a long time ago.

They just call him Psycho.

He twitched and panted, wanting out.


Psycho: LET ME OUT!!

Opening his eyes, Psycho was the first person to notice what would be the beginning of a catastrophic event.

Psycho: Huh...?

His once clean and bright cell was now dirty and dark. The one-way window that doctors would use to look at him was shattered.

Psycho:... Windows can break?

Hoping over into the doctor's rusty observation room, Psycho was free yet confused. He left the observation room to find a clean and functional facility.


Doctor: What are you doing out of your cell?!

Psycho swung his head to face the doctor inside the observation room, which he swore the man was not inside before. Deep in thought, Psycho came to one conclusion as to how the man appeared behind him.



Punching the Doctor across the face he ran.

But the once clean facility was now rusted and falling apart around him.

The sterol scent was now trash.

Confused, Psycho failed to look where he was going and ended up running through a window.

As he fell from the second floor, Psycho caught a glimpse of the city in the distance. The night made the bright but old-looking buildings stand out.


Psycho: Ughh...

Standing up, Psycho found it to be a day, and the city in the distance was much more developed and modern.

At this point, he was panicking.

Every time he blinked

The world would change from day

To night.

But one thing did stay constant.

The crowbar on the floor.

Not knowing what was real, Psycho picked up the crowbar which hummed in his hand.


He ran away into the night screaming.

(In a laboratory)

In a lab, a woman in a lab coat was panicking.

Her short messy black hair waved back and forth like belly dancers on a boat as she turned back and forth between monitors.

Doctor Kimiko Lopez, was in charge of satellite tracking dark matter. Her satellites were now detecting hundreds of spots across the world. Most were in her current city.

Kimiko: Oh god! We're all going to die!

Kimiko: Wait...(fixes glasses)... Why haven't we died... Matter and Dark matter coming into contact should start an explosion...

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