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After the little therapy session he had with the psychologist, Jack felt that he was on the verge of a total breakdown. His mind hadn't known peace since that day, and it truly seemed that he had lost his mind.

Jack knew his mind began to leave him as he was sorting the stuff from the cupboard in his classroom. Of course, that cupboard once belonged to the late professor, Isaac Grady. The cupboard contained the usual things typical for an English professor – books, DVDs and a video recorder. It was only when he looked at the floor that he saw something intriguing.

A ripped piece of paper was lying peacefully on the floor. It seemed like a newspaper article, its title stealing all the attention.


In a horrifying turn of events, Isaac Grady, a respected English professor at Ridgemont High School, unleashed a wave of violence that rocked the peaceful campus. Armed with an axe, Grady took the lives of several students and colleagues before ultimately ending his own life.

Witnesses described a scene of chaos and terror as screams echoed through the halls, shattering the morning calm. Grady, known for his kindness and dedication, was unrecognizable as he carried out the brutal attacks.

Law enforcement officials arrived to find a grisly aftermath, with multiple victims strewn across the school grounds. The motive behind Grady's rampage remains a mystery, leaving the community stunned and searching for answers.

In a tragic conclusion, Grady turned the weapon on himself as authorities closed in, bringing an end to the violence. As the community grapples with the senseless loss of life, support services have been mobilized to aid those affected.

It was only then that Jack Atkinson realised what kind of a situation he got himself into. No, Professor Isaac Grady didn't die like an average old man, in a rocking chair while reading a Western book. No, he lost his mind and turned into an axe-wielding psycho who in the end took his own life.

Jack's eyes widened in horror. Not because of the true story he had just found out about, but because he felt the same urge. He felt a strong urge to take a sharp object and kill. Just take lives.

To fulfil his satisfaction. His desire for blood.

For murder.

When he turned around from the cupboard with a devious grin on his lips and eyes widened with greed, he saw an axe that had spawned on one of the desks in the classroom. Not just any desk, though.

Danny's desk.

Jack Atkinson truly felt like never before. Taking a step closer to the desk, he observed the axe, his look expressing the need to get blood on it. Finally, his hands were on the axe as he took it. Adjusting his grip, he lightly swished it a few times as a devious grin appeared on his face.

With his beloved weapon, he furiously flounced out of his classroom.

The hall was empty and a bit dark as he strolled down it, the axe in his right hand.

Jack had only one mission – to spill blood.

The first victim of his greed for murder was the Music teacher who was just going out of the Assembly Hall.

"Jack, what are you doing?!" she asked as he was walking towards her at a furious pace.

As an answer, he swung the axe and stabbed her right in the stomach, which caused her to collapse. Then, he made sure that she was dead by hitting her in the head. After that, he continued walking down the hall.

Just as he was getting closer to the bathroom, he saw a student washing his hands. He entered the bathroom and pushed the poor kid to the corner, hitting his head with an axe.

At this moment, some rummaging could be heard in the halls. The sounds of the Headmistress's high heels clicking on the ground followed by a few more footstep sounds filled the school. When they got closer to the bathroom door, a hand covered in blood closed the doors.

"It's him! He's in there!" A student said, and she and her friend ran to the door to hold them so Jack not escape.

Seconds later, a guttural scream could be heard from the inside. Then, the heavy axe hit the floor, indicating to the listeners that something happened to Jack.

"Is he...?" a student asked.

"Release the door," the Headmistress said, taking a few steps towards the door.

As the Headmistress opened the door, she saw a few lifeless bodies lying on the floor. But the one that caught the most attention was, of course, Jack's. He was lying in a pool of blood, his face froze in the emotion of shock.

"Wait, something is off," the student said.   "Where is the axe?"

Truly, the weapon Jack used to shed blood was missing. Even though everyone heard the axe clank down when Jack killed himself, it was gone now. Just like it was never here.

"I will call the coroner. Be sure to cover this up, we can't let the people know it happened again," the Headmistress said.

Peculiar enough, one person who should be here was absent. The psychologist wasn't here, and what's worse, no one noticed it.

As everyone left, the closed bathroom doors opened again. revealing the hollow figure of Isaac Grady holding his axe in one hand and pulling Jack's corpse out of the bathroom with another one. Opening the door of the school, he took Jack outside and closed the doors.

A few minutes later, there was the psychologist who entered the school through the same doors. Checking her reflection in the mirror, she smirked and walked towards her office.

So, until the next teacher...

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