Chapter 3-The weight of Royalty

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Professor Orion's lessons were intense and informative,but my mind kept wandering .I couldn't shake the feeling that i was living a lie .The more i learned about my new identity ,the more questions i had.

As the day went on ,i met with the Council of Advisors ,who briefed me on the Kingdom's affairs.They spoke of trade agreement,  military strategies and diplomatic strategies with neighboring kingdoms. I tried to pay attention, but it was hard to care about things that felt distant to my true self.

After the meeting, I was exhausted I felt like I was drowning in the sea of responsibility, with no lifeline in sight. I longed for the simplicity of my old life, where my biggest worry was about my future to college , my uncle ,my friend and what to wear in daily basis.

As I walked back to my chambers, I saw a figure watching me from the shadows. It was my older sister, princess Sophia. Her eyes the road as she approached me.

Do you think you can waltz in here as you take my place? She hissed. "You're not even a real member in the family."

I still talk to meet her gaze."I may not have been born into this family, but I'm trying to make the best of it. And I'm not going anywhere.

Sophia smeared, "we'll see about that"

With that, she turned and disappear in the darkness leaving me feeling uneasy and alone.

I entered my chambers feeling like I was walking into a trap.Elara was waiting for me with a sympathic smile.

"Your majesty I know it's hard but you're doing your best .That's all anyone can ask for."

I appreciate her kindness but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was living a lie. And that someday, the truth will come out And everything will fall apart.

As I prepared for bed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The red hair and green eyes stared back at me, a constant reminder that I was leaving someone else life.

I sighed feeling the weight of royalty bearing down on me. I was a fake pretender to the truth. And I had no idea how long I can keep up this charade.

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