Heart break? No heartbreaker

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The boy under your hand coughed and gagged as you tightent. Your fingers strangle him and press his throat together, locking off his air.

His own hands clawed at your hand, trying to get free. You pressed him further up against the brick wall. His eyes wide and afraid, pupil small and quivering.

 You stared down at him as he kept on gasping and struggling to no avail. It was quite stupid that he even thought he had a chance of escaping you.

A smirk spread across your face, eyes unblinking and ears filed with the sound of his rapid heart beat. Going faster and faster by the second.

Then his body cramped and you knew he was nearing his end point. Fingers released him and his body fell to the ground. Gasping for air and trembling violently. 

The boy tried lifting himself up, but his arms gave out and he fell again. His hands helplessly clawing at the ground. With your foot you turned him around so he was laying on his back.

The boy's chest heaved up and down, tears in his blue eyes and lips shaking along with the rest of his body. 

He was small in comparison to you. 

Well most people were if you used your quirk, like you were now. But this boy was said to be a big bully who would beat the shit out of people for just talking wrong to him. 

He was known by the whole school and no one did anything when a boy or a girl would get beaten.

You didn't know his quirk, but quirk or not you always won. 

You didn't go to this school and couldn't care less about it, until a little boy - possibly one of the bullies punching bags - came up to you and spilled out his guts to you. Telling story after brutal story about him getting beaten.

Of course the little boy didn't just walk up to you in hope of help. No, you had a bit of a name in this part of town. 

You were the one to go to when you needed someone to know their place. You just needed a good enough reason, a name and a little money. 

People didn't use your real name of course or else the ones you beat up would find you.

You were called heartbreaker.

Not because you broke hearts, but both because your heart was broken and it was the name of your quirk. Well the demon living inside you was called Heartbreaker. 

It was triggered by feeling the pain splinter your heart. Now you could easily tell how people were feeling and how they were feeling about other people.

You looked down on the trembling body. Red eyes boring into his eyes. They would go back to their normal eye color when you were done. You tilted your head at him before opening your mouth.

"Let this be a lesson for you to never mess with other people again, okay?"

He nodded his head rapidly and curled into a ball afterwards. You tsk'd and kicked him in the side one last time as you walked past him. He gasped and you left him on the ground, shadows draping him in darkness.


Legs up on the table as the teacher yapped on. You looked out the window and blocked out the teachters boring words. 

This class was killing you and all you actually wanted was to get home to your dorm room and sleep.

"Okay last message for you all for today" the teacher said and the next words he spoke were enough for you to break out in a scream.

"Some UA students will come here every day for two weeks. They will observe you students and choose one from the school to start at the hero course" He smiled and silently waited for the shock in the class to settle. 

Then screams of joy, excitement and competition broke out between the students. You, the only one who stayed silent, groaned and bonked your head down into the desk beneath you. 

You just hoped it wasn't The class that was coming here. Why were you even surprised? This was a school for unstable quirks and some of the most dangerous ones.

 Of course UA would find it interesting sooner or later.

Then another thought struck you.

What if it is The class?

Then you can get our revenge. Heartbreaker spoke, their sweet voice echoing in your mind.

Yeah, if he even recognizes me.

Oh don't be like that. I wanna have some fun with him before he leaves the school. Heartbreaker urged and sounded like a child wanting ice cream.

We'll see okay?

Fine fine!

With that Heartbreaker disappeared into the corner of your mind. Possibly taking a nap or something.

 You had come to know that Heartbreaker was like the little voice who urged you to do things you shouldn't. 

Well at first you said no to them, but oh boy did life get way more interesting when you began listening.

Hey we should try to curse at the teacher

Wanna cheat on the next test? Come on, you know you want tooo.

We should sneak out. I heard that some rich girl was having a party not far from here.

Yes they also heard things you didn't hear.

when the bell rang you headed down the hallway. Students move like fish and you the shark, creating a clear path for you to walk on. You reached your locker, threw your bags in and locked it again.

Tomorrow the UA students would come and then the hell would begin. You knew people would try to impress them by fighting each other and showing off their quirks. 

Not you, you had it just fine here.

You got down to the girls' dorm rooms and found yours.

Time to finally pass out. 

Heartbreaker.  Mha x F! reader.Where stories live. Discover now