6. New friends.

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Antonio - Grandfather of Ibrahim, was sitting in his arm chair while looking out in the night sky. He was thinking about the little girl he met today. He was reminiscing about all the things they talked.

She is a ball of sunshine. Even her thought brought a little smile on the usually cold face of Antonio. He had his fair share of illegal dirt under his sleeves. He knows this world doesn't work if they just let the government decides everything. But now when that little girl told him, that she wanted to be like him then all he thought was she should never be like him.

He suddenly remembered how She told him that she is not normal like other kids as when she tries running or playing outdoor games she gets tired and her heart also acts up which really made Antonio tense. Because that girl is so active and energetic in her talks makes him think that how much she must want to play around like others.

Suddenly an idea struck to him. He called one of his men.

"Yes sir?" The men asked.

"Order a nice toy car and also make sure it's in pink colour. And make sure that the car is completely safe for child use. I except no mistakes here. Got it?!" Antonio ordered in his usual gruff and cold voice.

Despite his age, he was still an intimidating men. Only the closer ones see the kid inside him.

"Okay sir. It'll be here in sometime." That men nodded and went back and Ibrahim and Rishabh came in at the same time.

They both looked at the man and then at their Grandfather. Ibrahim raised a brow but didn't said anything whereas Rishabh gave into his curiosity.

"Dadu, toy car?? What will do with a toy car?"

"It's my personal matter you stay away." Antonio glared at rishabh, who instead of backing away gave a mischievous smile.

"Dadu I know you think that you aren't that old and all but still dadu you're 70, c'mon this is not the age for toy car.." Rishabh grinned while saying these. Ibrahim's expression were still unrecognisable. He was just listening the exchange between his dadu and his bestfriend.

"Dumbass, it's not for me. It's for my friend." Antonio said grumpily.

Rishabh laughed. "And what is the age of your friend? 5?" He laughed more.

"Naah 3!. And if you laughed one more time then I am telling your dad about the deal you losed this week." Antonio smirked as he saw Rishabh's face getting paled. Antonio must have gotten retired but he still knows everything about the business world. He has many informant in the business world.

Rishabh gulped slowly and Ibrahim smirked at him a little.

They were all talking when Another man entered the house. He was Dr. Dixit!

Dr. Dixit greeted everyone and then they all sat at the dining table. Dr. Dixit is their family doctor.

"So Ibrahim you sure you want to keep your identity hidden? I mean they are really grateful for you." Dr. Dixit asked Ibrahim. Ibrahim's facial expressions didn't changed a bit as he replied:

"I'm sure."

Ibrahim don't want any interaction and anyone's gratefulness. He doesn't think he's really doing something that good to deserve people's blessings. He shook his head not wanting to get in his dark thoughts infront of everyone.

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