Living in pain

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"I HATE YOU! YOU UNDERSTAND? " I shouted and stormed off into the library Part of the bunker, I was so annoyed at him! He started this whole thing, then he has the audacity to make me live with him for the rest of my life?!

I couldn't help but feel bad, I had taken my anger out on him yet he didn't mean to start it, or Did he? UGH!I need to stop thinking like this, He Started this, He Made me Separate from my wife. It's all HIS fault!

I heard his footsteps coming from the hallway, I was ready to be calm and collect, just to talk Nicely but ,Then maybe give him a black eye or A broken bone - hell of a way to remember Not to make me mad.

I stood leaning on the door-way facing him.
"I'm sorry okay Thomas, I would do anything in the world to take back my actions. "
Edward Apologized. I stood up and took a deep breath. As I walked up to him I went to give him a hug Then grabbed his arm and twisted it round to his back -nearly breaking it ,
"Do NOT mess with me 'cuz I can make your life a living hell." I stated firmly,
"Yes! I promise, now Let go! " He pleaded.

"Okay then, " I said, Breaking his arm and hearing the snap of the bone then smirking , dropping his arm then walking away calmly as if nothing had just happened ,
"OW, YOU SON OF A-" Edward Whinced, dropping to the ground on his knees holding his arm.

After that had happened Edward walked himself to the infirmary and sorted his arm out,I had hoped it Stopped him from talking to me but I guess not.
It took him about a week to move 3 Fingers. I would have laughed at that but knowing him, he would join in and it isn't supposed to be a sentimental Get-together time.

That whole week I hadn't talked to him then on Tuesday the week after, We both Were coincidentally eating at the same time.

"So, when are you going to speak to me. "
Edward Mumbled quietly ,
"You seperated me away from my wife, If I had a choice Edward , I'd never speak to you again. "
I replied Quickly stuffing my face with a piece of Buttered toast: so I didn't have to answer to his nonsense.

We both sat in silence for around 5 minutes, I guess Edward felt guilty after thinking about what I meant about what I said, He should feel bad after all He ruined my life!

I didn't want to stay here anymore, Not with him, So I was deciding whether I should sneak out of the bunker and out into the world,who knows maybe I wanted to be known for being the only person that suvived with the zombies.

I'd have to pack a lot including: Weapons to protect myself from the zombies ;Food so I don't have to go scavenging for atleat a day or two;water to stay hydrated and gear So I don't get hurt. If I had packed all of this I'd say I would survive.

One problem. Edward. He'd end up coming to look for me when he can't find me in the bunker , Or he would find out my plan and come with me. I cannot let that happen The whole reason I'm planing to leave is so I don't have to stay with him.

This would be hard but I'm up for the challenge. I circled The date a week from Today so I would know when to go. I hope this isn't the wrong choice, if it is then I'm done for.

"What's that circle for ? " Asked Edward Walking to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "None of your business." I said grabbing his hand and moving it off of my shoulder. I hate him always trying to get into my business which I'd normally end up telling him,but not this time.

Never again.

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