Here I Go

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Today was the day, I had all of my supplies Sorted and Stored away near the exit of the bunker, Ready to leave this hell of a home and finally be free from the torture of living with my ex-best friend, my Newly-made enemy.

I had gear ( bullet broof jacket just incase) under my clothes which was : a brown plain T-shirt with Black military pants and boots, topped off with A green leather jacket. Being honest, I looked so cool.

one thought had stuck to me like glue,since I started planning 'running away', all I had thought was what if I went and found my wife's Bunker? I'd be able to see her, possibly stay with her.

"Your Thinking about your wife, Aren't you? "
Said a voice from behind me, Edward. He was supposed to be asleep, I guess he woke up.
"I miss her that's all. " I said trying not to make him suspect anything.

"She's dead."He said Sitting down on his bunk . I stayed silent,my wife? Dead? No that's not true, How would he know before me? A load of questions ran through my mind, One I needed to ask.

"Who did it?"
I said, skeptical of His answer. "That, I do not know. "
He replied looking down at the ground, Avoiding eye contact.
"If I find out your lying to me your arm won't be the only thing that'll be broken."
I turned away and grinned while walking away.

I was beginning to have second thoughts about leaving, especially after finding out my wife is dead, But I'd have to do this, Not for me, not to get away from Edward But for Her, For Maria.

Maria used to call me by my birth name,my polish name, Tomasz, I was born in Poland but Moved to Queensland, Australia When I was very young (About 4 years old) Many people I knew Always used to call me by Thomas which is my English name.

Maria was born in Sweden But moved to Queensland for traveling reasons. When I first saw her I thought she was the prettiest woman I had ever met, She had Luscious Light brown hair with blue eyes ,That I would get lost staring into, she always went to this Amazing coffee shop. I would always meet her there and talk to her ,funny thing is, I never even liked coffee.

I miss her, We had been married for 2 years and it was getting close to our 3 year anniversary,"I'll never love another person. "I vowed to myself.

I woke myself up when I had realised all this time thinking about My wife I had been drifting off to sleep. Today was the day, I had been planning this for a week so I can't go back now.

Edward was asleep,  Thank god. I picked my rucksack up and Oh My god, it was heavy But that wouldn't stop me, nothing could .

I opened my rucksack and got the Large Katana out and put it onto my scabbard, One good thing I did as a Chaotic teenager was learn to use a Katana fairly well, That has now come in handy.

I checked my bag making sure I had:food, water, weapons such as guns, extra Amo, And I had all my gear on. I was ready.

"Przepraszam," I whispered To Edward," Życz mi szczęścia. " I mumbled to myself while writing a note saying, "Surviving on my own from now on, I've set traps that'll Hurt you greatly if you try coming after me. Signed ,Whembley.

I was ready to leave ,ready to leave but something was stopping me

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I was ready to leave ,ready to leave but something was stopping me. I left him a note but I still felt bad for leaving him , After all I've been friends with him for 12 years.

I started looking around, Then I found the pack of cards that started all of this, So I grabbed them and a lighter,put them both In my pocket, planning to do something with them later.

I started climbing up the ladders, reaching the top the Turning the handle until it finally opened, I was free! I jumped out then closed the hatch yet something felt different, not different more like, the feeling when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. I Unsheathed my Katana Turning my head in all directions.

Snap. I swung my sword around Chopping a zombies head right off, The Body falling straight down. "And that's why people stay Inside the bunkers." I said putting my sword back .

Ah, how I had missed the sweet smell of fresh air. Everything looked like it was..Tinted grey.
There was a stench lurking In the air,it was Zombie blood. it had gotten all over me,Oh well, this is  my life now I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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