Alberto x Daniel

42 2 27

(3rd person cuz idk what the fuck goes on inside these Spanish kids brains <3)

It was lunch time and everyone was in the lunch room, all the grade 7's were sitting down peacefully 🫠

...till a fight started between two chubby monkeys and one breaks their glasses that was probably too small for his fat head 

Everyone stood up to watch the fight, but it was cut off short by the lunch ladies + balding hairline the worst lunch lady~, "EVERYONE SIT THE FUCK DOWN"

And so they all did, after a good couple of minutes

As they did the two Spanish kids, Alberto and Daniel walked over to where Eshwa, Iman, Dia, Mian and Hunain were sitting

They all give them a look "what do you want?" Iman tells them

Alberto/Enemies with shower, shrugs and him and Daniel look at each other


After a long time of Daniel and Alberto bothering them and lifting the table up and down over and over again, balding hairline came "Look you guys, stop doing this or else I have to make your class line up"

Everyone gives her a side eye and Iman blurts out "But it was only those two!"

Balding hairline doesnt give a fuck sadly "I don't care about who it is"

Eshwa wanted to slap the shit out of her 💕

I'm guessing everyone else wanted to too

But then (switch up yall)

Alberto and Daniel got enough of her crap and they both jumped her 👍🏼 

(I wished this happened irl 😔)


Alberto and Daniel was at the hospital as Balding hairline was there and they were the ones who did this to her

(I know they speak Spanish 24/7 but for the stories sake we'll make it English)

Alberto gives Daniel a look as the were outside the door of her hospital room "Wanna do something fun?"

Daniel looked at Alberto "Like?"

"Taking her off life support"


They walk to her room and instead they saw a red button 

"I'm gonna press it" said Daniel 






Daniel pressed it 💅


They blew the hospital up and they walked out of it (boi this isn't a movie)

Oh and they kissed

Tee end

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