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AN; I'm writing this while listening/ watching this edit 💀;    


Anyways, les continue this *sigh*


(3rd Person)

"Come on Mian! Just do it! Ask her for a snack or smth!" Iman, Dia and Eshwa were trying to get Mian to ask Zahar/Dinosaur bones for a snack to see how she'd reply. "Fine! Fine I'll do it" Mian said, annoyed by how much they were talking

They all watched as Mian tapped on Dinosaur bones shoulder "Yo, Dino- I mean Zahar" she turns to side eye Mian "What do you want?" He claps his hands together, dabbing himself up and biting his lips like always, "So, I see you have many snacks, and you know, sharing is ca-" "no" Mian pauses "What the fuck do you mean by no?" "I mean no, I love food" Mian mutters yo himself "We can see that" "EXCUSE ME?" "I MEAN- doesn't everyone. Ha..."

She side eyes him again "Okay...weirdo" Mian turns back to his friends "Oh well, couldn't get any snacks-" "Try stealing it" Hunain offered, Mian scoffed "why??" Iman shrugs "Why not" 

Mian thinks for some moments "okay, what should I do?" Dia groans "What do you think?" Mian shrugs "I don't know, you tell me" "Just steal it when no one's looking" Eshwa said impatiently

Mian glares at them all "Fine"

He looks at Dinosaur Bones and her friends, Sara, Kayla, and some other bitches who's names don't matter, he then looks at the snacks 

This is for the snacks Mian, for the snacks

Mian takes a deep breath and his hand inches to the snack, he held the snack only to have another hand wrapped around his, he looks up and his eyes were connected to Dinosaur Bones, they lock in eye contact and she starts to blush

Mian, on the other hand, took this as a opportunity and stuffed the snack into his mouth


Eshwa, Dia, Iman, and Hunain we're left there with their jaws dropped "Bad idea" Dia whispers to Eshwa and Iman causing them to nod

Dinosaur bones erupts "MY FUCKING SNACKKKKKKK" Mian was shivering in his Timbers, "I-I"

Dinosaur bones stood up and Mian was cowering against Hunain "YOU ATE MY SNACK, NOW I EAT YOU" Mian thought for some time, "In what way?" She screamed and picked him up (I'm confused) and stomped to the kitchen leaving everyone in shock

In the kitchen Dinosaur bones put Mian on the table and started to Marinate him (Flashbacks to Iman marinating us last year during winter) 

Mian was begging "NOOOOO DONTTTTTT"

She opens the oven "Time for chicken tenders" "NOOOOOO-"


Eshwa, Dia, Iman, and Hunain were sitting in the lunch room "What do you think is happening to Mian" Dia asked, Eshwa's eyes widen in horror as Dinosaur bones enters the lunch room "I think that's what" she points at what dinosaur bones was holding

All four scream "MIAN CHICKEN TENDERS!?"

Long story short, Mian got cooked into chicken tenders

Tee End


AN; Yall I thought of this while scrolling on Dinosaur bones tiktok; 


And oof her videos-

Here's a photo of Dinosaur bones;

Here's a photo of Dinosaur bones;

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*Clears throat* uh yeah- 

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