Chapter 13- Alone

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As soon as Jay passed through the portal, he could feel all the energy drain out of him. The power and control he had felt moments before were completely gone, replaced by a wave of exhaustion. Jay stumbled forward as a few Administration officers pushed through the portal after him. Thanks to his destruction of the portal's controls, not many were able to get through but those that did still vastly outnumbered Jay. The Anomalies, excited by the freedom stretching out before them and scared they would be caught by the Administration agents, began to scatter. Jay gazed wearily at the wave of agents and knew he didn't have the strength to defeat them. As much as he wanted to stay and fight, to give the Anomalies more time to escape, he knew he couldn't push himself any further. He took a few down in his direct path and then began to run as fast as he could, not caring where he ended up. He ran and ran, wanting to put as much distance between him and the Administration as possible. He hoped that the Anomalies had been given enough time to escape, and he felt guilt blooming inside of him that he had been too weak to stay and fight. Finally, after what felt like hours, Jay collapsed to the ground. He lay there panting, his lungs burning and heart attempting to beat out of his chest, trying to organize his thoughts. He had escaped the only place he had ever known, the closest thing he had to a home. He knew his situation was not great: he was in the middle of nowhere, with nowhere to go and nobody who cared about him. A wave of loneliness washed over him, and he fought against the torrent of feelings inside his chest. His entire life, he had been alone. There was no one in the Administration he could call a friend that would have helped him in his escape, or better yet come with him. Jay couldn't even remember the last time he had touched somebody, even a simple handshake or hug. He imagined how much easier this would've been with someone by his side. Jay stood up, knowing he would break down if he lay there any longer and aware that he didn't have that kind of time to lose with the Administration after him. Shake it off, he told himself sternly. It's time to stop moping and start moving. He didn't know what had come over him back in the fight to free the Anomalies. It was if his body had dodged threats and zapped agents he hadn't even noticed. He didn't know how he had done it, and he doubted his luck would last a second confrontation. Jay started off in a run again, ignoring his screaming muscles. No matter what, he would never fall into the hands of the Administration again.

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