Day 2 - Historical AU

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(Prompts: Mythology, Samurai, Levi and His horse)

I chose Levi and His horse because my brain had no other ideas, and the fact that his horse isn't talked about enough.


The black stallion nuzzled into Levi's palm, licking it ever so often as he fed him apples.

Levi had been cleaning the stables this afternoon, right after lunch as he had a rare day off today. Deciding to clean his horse's stables, replacing the old hay with fresh hay and feeding treats, which were apples and carrots for his horse.

The sun set across the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the HQ, and the training grounds shimmered in the amber sunlight. It was a good time to be out outdoors, not too hot and not too dark, Levi loved it. Often, he'd take his horse out on a ride along the green stretches, enjoying the beauty of nature. Not too far, was a small waterfall, gushing into a clear stream, surrounded by a bed of colorful wild flowers. He remembers one day Hange made flower crowns for all of them and while he grumbled about how he was forced to wear it but internally, he felt that it wasn't so bad.

He loved that place of serenity, of Mother Nature, where he could just sit in the soft grass and listen to the sounds of the stream flowing through rocks. It was soothing, helped clear his mind. And his horse companion, was a welcome friend.

He'd always liked animals. They were all gentles souls, who just wanted love but were victims of human cruelty. He remembers how he took in a sparrow in the underground, it was such a sweet bird, but Kenny had killed it saying that it's futile to get attached to a helpless creature like her.

He remembered the stray kittens Isabel found and how he and Farlan went to the alleyway to spend time with them, to provide them with whatever meagre food and shelter they had, at least then they'd not starve to death cold.

After coming up to the surface, he was surprised to see the vast variety of animals that existed up here. There were cows, horses and different birds with wings so bright.

Since the day they were taught horse riding in the Scouts, each one had to pick their own horse, and this gorgeous, mighty black stallion had immediately caught his eye.

He was strong, different from all else, as he stood proud and aloof from everyone else. He didn't seem to eager for the company of young cadets trying to pet him, as he grunted in discontentment to make them stay away, but his calm demeanor drew Levi in. Carefully he approached the creature, let him take a cautious sniff of his hands and then, to his utter disbelief, the cold creature showed affection by licking his hands.

Since then, they've always been together. Training together, going on expeditions together. He was calm and steady, so much like him which made expeditions easier with his presence. Training him was not a hassle, as he was obedient. He often let out his affectionate side, by licking and nuzzling into his hands, biting on his hair sometimes, and neighing when he was around cleaning his stables. He loved apples, and his overall presence bought Levi so much comfort, more than any human companionship and his horse was a safe space for him, allowing his rare smile to play on his lips.

Sitting on the rock bed of the stream, Levi's fingers twirled around a wild daisy, as his horse fed on the fresh grass beside him, thanking him by nuzzles and licks ever so often.

The stallion provided him company in his solitude, and enjoyed the beautiful place as much as Levi himself. Riding together as the sun set across the forest, the wind blowing past the his face, as they strode along the river bed.

The sound of the hoofbeats, accompanied by Levi's pacy breathing, the birds chirping and the water cutting through rocks as it moved forward; was indeed tranquil


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