Day 5 - Stray cats and dogs

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The cold wind whipped past the trio - as they carefully made their way to an alleyway in the dark underground. It was winter, harsh and unforgiving, like it always was. With a meagre meal of bread, soup and potatoes if they were lucky, they survived their days. Blankets, shawl or anything warm was a luxury, coal or wood for a fire was again hard to find. Getting these things for surviving the winter meant taking on riskier and shady deals - and Levi did his part, if it meant providing them with more comfort during the winters.

But it wasn't always enough, as they had to huddle closer to each other for warmth on some days.

The sound of Isabel's boots resounded through the paths as Farlan carried a small bag of bread. A few weeks later, Izzy had found a small litter of kittens in the dark alleyway, their mother not around anymore to take care of them. The kittens were accompanied by a small pup, who was injured and barely surviving, if not she had found it bleeding that day.

Levi always scoffed at her antics, to save the helpless animals as if they had managed to save themselves in this hell hole. But a part of him felt warm, seeing her utter selflessness and kindness, the rarest of traits in the underground. In some part of his heart, remembering his mama's words of kindness, he knew as a baby boy he was kind to the strays. However, growing up, this fragile part was heavily overshadowed by Kenny's teachings, to kill or be killed. There isn't any space for empathy down here.

Seeing Isabel, was a soothing balm to his heart, that strongly clung onto his mama's words. Isabel was the only person close to innocence and purity in their world.

They rounded the alleyway and reached the spot.

"Big Bro! They are here.." She said, in a gentle voice so as to not startle the little animals. He loved how automatically considerate and aware she got, whenever she dealt with any animals.

Levi nodded as he crouched down, putting his hand forward towards the three adorable, yet curious kittens popping their heads out from the darkness. Recognizing his familiar scent, they cautiously came forward, licking his fingers with their soft tongues, allowing a barely - there smile to tug at Levi's lips. Farlan was crouched near the injured dog, tending to his wounds as he patted the enthusiastic creature.

"Look at you, healing so well!" He praised, as the dog woofed, wagging his tail in sheer happiness.

Meanwhile, Isabel was busy setting up some cardboard as a makeshift home for the strays, popping in a worn out blanket which she stole earlier from a shop they raided and placing some clean water along with the bread pieces they bought.

As the kittens found warmth in Levi's touches, the puppy playing with Farlan and Isabel as she cradled a kitten and ran around, the puppy chasing her in a playful manner. They laughed, their laughter bouncing off the deserted alleyways.

And suddenly, winters didn't feel as cold as before, for the warmth of compassion kindled in their hearts.

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