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Y'all better up my comments wtf y'all think this is? 🧍🏽‍♀️

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Y'all better up my comments wtf y'all think this is? 🧍🏽‍♀️

Kelly | Los Angeles, California

"Aunt Kelly!" Blue yelled as she ran to hug me. I chuckled and held her against me as we walked further into the house. "Hey Blue" I told her as I kissed her head. I bent down to lift Rumi and Sir into my arms and the two gummy one year olds tried to chew on my chin. Not fazed by their overly aggressive affection, I placed them back on the floor before moving to hug my sisters on the couch.

After last night with Kehlani that ended in a very long conversation that I didn't even want to think about again, I ended up here in Bey's house the next morning since our cousin Angie was coming back from working out of Cali and decided we all got together to catch up.

"Kelly Bean!" Angie said all loud as she yanked me into her. "Girl stopppp" I said, pushing her away. She mugged me, "you acting like you don't want to see me" she said, moving more towards a smiling Solange. I rolled my eyes at her and moved more towards Bey and laid my head on her shoulder.

Bey ran her hands through my hair as I mindlessly listened to Solange and Mama talk.

"Oh y'all, Shawn said that girl is coming in the next two weeks" Michelle said. "That was quick" I said and Bey hummed. "What girl?" Angie asked. I didn't feel like filling her in so Solange took that initiative. "Wait, tell me her name again?" Angie said sitting up.

I sat up too and bey threw her legs over my lap causing me to glare slightly. "Mea" I told her. "Where she from?" She pushed. "Baltimore—why so curios?" I asked. Angie muttered something incoherent before fishing out her phone. We waited to see what the hell she was blabbing about before she flipped the phone and showed us a picture.

"This her?" She asked.

I hummed, looking back at the girls who nodded, "yeah that's her—you know her?" Michelle asked

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I hummed, looking back at the girls who nodded, "yeah that's her—you know her?" Michelle asked. Angie nodded, "I've known her since she was eight. That's what I was in Baltimore for—I was working on her case" she told us. Bey furrowed her eyebrows, "Case? I thought she had parents?" Bey asked. Angie sighed, "she does—her situation is different" she said.

"How different?" I asked. "Different as in I've been working on the same case for eight years to a child who's parents are very much alive—its just a whole situation that I can't really get into because of legal problems but she's such a sweet girl" she told us. "Shawn said her father signed all the online paperwork—you're saying she can speak to her father but she lives in foster care?" Bey asked. Angie was about to answer when her phone rang.

"Hey little Mea" Angie said. Her face went through a series of emotions before settling on a frown. "Slow down boo, what happened? Where's Ms. Dorsey?" Angie asked. It was quiet some more before Angie sighed. "Alright, get out of there. Call one of your friends and stay there until I can handle it. Call me back as soon as you get on the bus" Angie told her sternly before hanging up the phone.

Angie sat back against the couch with an obvious stressed look on her face.

"What happened?" I asked her. Angie twisted her lips, "do you know who Mea is staying with when she comes out here?" She asked, ignoring my question. "Diane said she'll take the responsibility but only for a little while. Shawn suggested she could stay here but it isn't finalized" Bey told her. "Who's gonna get her after?" Mama asked. "We don't know" Bey said.

"Do you think we can fly her out earlier? Maybe by the end of this week? I don't think she can wait until her two weeks" Angie said. "Angie you're talking like she isn't safe" I said to her and she bit her lip.

Now, Angela Beyincé never had an emotional reaction like this to any case she was working on. She's always had a calm exterior and this is a rare time I've ever seen her act like this.

"Is she in danger, Angie?" Mama asked her. Her silence ultimately gave us our answer. "I'll get Shawn to move her arrival earlier" Bey muttered, standing up with her phone. Angie sighed, "I can't get the police involved so the best thing I can do to show I'm not personally in this is by having her out here earlier" Angie said.

Her phone began ringing again.

"Hey, you on the bus?" She asked. Solange mouthed her 'speaker' and Angie waved her off. "Oh, tell Kat I said hey" she said. "Now, why didn't you tell me about this big project you won? I thought we was close little girl" Angie told her in a playful tone. Angie then moved the phone to speaker and sat it on the table.

"First off, I didn't even know it was a contest. All I did was compose a small song for my music class and the next thing I know, I'm talking with people from Roc Nation. I got to speak to dad and he signed everything for me. I talk to Mr. Carter and he told me I'll fly out in—" she said but paused.

Angie tilted her head and at that moment, Bey came back and sat on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Angie asked her. "I just got a text from Mr. Carter saying I'm actually flying out Friday. God, Kat and Donny are gonna kill me" she muttered. Angie looked at Bey and gave her a thankful look and Bey waved it off. "I'm sure they will understand" Angie told her.

Mea huffed over the phone and I can hear some yelling in her background which made me tense.

"What's all that in the background?" Angie asked. "Just a regular day on the Pink. You know how rowdy it gets on this bus in the afternoon when people get off school. Plus I'm going to Donny's so I'm gonna be here for a while" Mea told her. "I have a question for you though" Mea said and Angie hummed. "Did you have anything to do with me leaving on Friday?" She asked in an accusing tone.

Angie twisted up her face, "what? Me? Noo?" She said all exaggeratedly and Mea laughed. "You're such a bad liar, Angie" Mea told her. The older woman rolled her eyes, "maybe I pitched something to my cousins but only because I want to be safe" she told the girl. "I know, thank you. Even if I wasn't going to leave early, Donny or Kat would have forced me to stay with them" she giggled.

They talked just until Mea made it to her friends house before ultimately hanging up.

"You sure you trust Diane to look after her?" Solange asked nobody in particular. "What other option do we have? She's only sixteen. Maybe Angie can take her since she knows her the most" Bey suggested. Angie shook her head, "as much as I would love to take her, they would consider me tampering with her case if I did" Angie said.

Without even thinking, I spoke up.

"I can take her" I said. Everyone looked at me. "What?" Bey asked. "I can take her. It's not like I'm doing anything with my life right now besides taking care of Titan. All of you are busy and Diane will probably forget about the poor girl with how much she works" I told them. Angie twisted her lips, "are you sure, Kelly?" She asked me and I nodded. "Of course" I told her.

Angie then got up and threw herself onto me. "Thanks cousin. I feel better now knowing she's with someone I fully trust. Not saying I don't trust D but I don't believe she won't forget about her" she told us causing laughter to erupt in the room.

Looks like I'll be looking after a teenager. It's fine. It's like looking after Julez and Blue at the same time. This should be easy, right?

Hi lovelies 🫶🏾.
Kelly and Mea will meet soon enoughhh
I'm kind of sad I didn't pair her with Beyoncé since that would've been fire but I have a smart idea on how to go with Lani 🥴.
Enjoy n comment n all that 🤸🏾‍♀️.

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