XVIII. | Raving

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TSUKIKO HAD JUST ARRIVED AT THE VET CLINIC with her older brother Akira. The two were still fighting and Derek couldn't help but groan. Isaac seemed to be more interested in his leather jacket than the two bickering siblings. Scott opened the door and was shocked to see the group

"What are they doing here?" Scott asked referring to Isaac, and Akira

"I need them" Derek replied

"I don't trust them" Scott said as the group walked in

"Yeah, well, they don't trust you either" Isaac said

"Real" Akira said

"You know what? And Derek really doesn't care. Now where's the druid? Is he going to help us or not?" Derek asked

"That depends. Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?" Deaton asked as he suddenly appeared

"Kill him/Save him" Derek and Scott said. Scott turned his head towards Derek

"Save him. Save him" Scott said

"Come on back" Deaton said. The group followed Deaton to the back where he pulled out a bunch of jars. Isaac went to touch but Akira yanked his hand back

"Don't just touch" Akira said

"You gonna babysit him now, too?" Tsukiko asked

"Oh, don't you start with me" Akira said

"If you two start fighting again.. I will kill you both" Derek threatened

"Shut the fuck up, no you won't" The siblings said at the same time. Derek growled like a rabid dog. Deaton picked up a jar

"So, what's a druid?" Isaac asked

"I prefer to be called a veterinarian. Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's gonna be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin" Deaton said

"We're open to suggestions" Derek said

"What about an effective offense?" Isaac asked

"We tried that" Akira said

"I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up" Derek said

"Has it shown any weakness?" Deaton asked

"Well, it's afraid of water.. and it didn't like me and Akira when we were in our baku form" Tsukiko said

"Is Jackson the same way?" Deaton asked

"No. He's the captain of the swim team.. and he's seen Tsuki in her real form.. he was shocked but he wasn't scared" Scott said

"Essentially, you're trying to catch two people. A puppet. And a puppeteer. One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?" Deaton asked

"I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant, too, and she was maybe murdered" Scott said

"I don't think that's it" Tsukiko said

"Yeah, what if it's part of the rules?" Isaac asked

"The Kanima kills murderers" Akira recalled

"If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies, too" Jackson said

"Does that mean your father was a murderer?" Scott asked. Tsukiko lightly nudged Scott

"Be more sensitive" She scolded

"Tsukiko, it's fine. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if he was" Isaac said

"Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right?" Deaton asked. Derek nodded. "What if the fear of water and bakus isn't coming from Jackson but from the person controlling him? What if something that affects the Kanima also affects its master?"

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘞𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯|| S. Stilinski¹Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin