Chapter : 04 : Nothing but friendship?

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When Sarah got home that day she really didn't know how to feel. She just came in had something to eat and changed into her PJs,she really was thinking about Tom but the fact that he was indeed Mintys big brother made her feel weird. She really would love to have Minty as a friend but the problem was that she knew that in a friendship she would have to share things with her Friend. She'd always trusted her friends and wouldn't hesitate to tell them anything. At some point she really did wish to tell someone about this thing with Tom,and maybe get a different view on things.

When she was done she decided to prepare dinner for herself because she really didn't know when her parents were gonna be back. She made some Mac and cheese with Steak and she also felt to make some ribs as well and so she did.

As she was making dinner there was a knock on the door,it was her aunt Melanie. "Oh my god auntie " she excitedly said
"Hey champ thought I should hit you with a suprise how are you"
"I'm okay I guess I just missed you so much"
She gradually pounds at Melanie giving her a very big hug. She was so happy and excited to see her aunt after so many weeks of being apart. She felt she should atleast tell her how her days in New York had been but it was all just things she'd hoped to tell a friend. Things that might get some people in trouble and that's not what she wanted especially not for Tom. And when it came to Miranda and her friends she just didn't want any drama for herself especially around school.

They had dinner and Melanie told Sarah how her journey had been. She had even got Sarah a gift. Sarah was really happy because she really didn't get anything for her birthday from her parents because she has hardly seen them ever since they moved here. Last year her dad bought her a new car and it was exciting but he wasn't there to give it to her. It got delivered by the company and as much she should've been happy she couldn't be because she wanted him there just to show her that he cared. All he cared about were the gifts he could get her and not the most important gift which was the love and affection of both her parents. At some point she did really miss her parents miss them even though she never really knew them.

Although she had Melanie but she couldn't always be there I mean she also had a life that she had to live. Sometimes she'd really wish to just have her all to herself and not have to share her with the world.

When they finished eating they cleared up the table and washed the dishes together. These were some of the things she'd wished to do with her mum while her dad was watching Mabe soccer on the TV. After that they prepared some popcorn to watch a movie and just as they were Sarah got a call from her mum
"Hey honey your dad and I aren't coming back today,maybe tomorrow okay"
"Yeah well that's okay Auntie Melanie is here so it cool"
"Oh Melanie thank god she arrived anyways tell her I'm glad she got my message sooner I'll see you tomorrow okay"
"Yeah okay"
When Sarah hung up the call with her mother she wished that she never answered the call because now she knows exactly why Melanie was here. As much as she's her auntie she always gets summoned by her mother just so she can babysit. Sometimes it would feel like she was a burden and that even though she was happy to be with Melanie she also was asked to come over. She felt like Melanie didn't just come over because she always wanted to but because she wouldn't say no to her mother. Maybe that was because her parents had already done so much for Melanie that she too felt like this was how she could repay them.

After the movie she went straight to bed because she didn't really feel thrilled to have her aunt here anymore. She just thought,when was her shift ending because that's just the reason she was here. Although she really didn't wanna think that of her aunt she couldn't really consume herself from those thoughts. When she woke up the next day her aunt Melanie had some breakfast prepared and set it outside near the pool," Good morning sleepy head how'd you sleep" she said
"Great I guess...what's all this" responded Sarah.
"Well breakfast, I just saw how the morning was so beautiful and wondered why not have breakfast outside next to this beautiful pool"
"Oh this is nice of you auntie thanks I guess"
"Come on your my niece I'd do anything for you anyways come join me"
Do anything for me? Sarah questioned herself in her thoughts. Come on you know that your here because you wanna please my family the breakfast is just some bonus I guess maybe they might pay you extra she thought to herself.

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