Chapter 08 : Perception

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Sarah didn't know what to say. She gradually sits up and looks at Tom on the mirror. She didn't know how to answer his question...was it even a question. Maybe this was a clarification she needed. She could say yes and then she'd know if he loves her too or not. Yeah she could but she too didn't know if she loved Tom but she did know that she liked him if it was more than that she wasn't sure.

Tom looked at this beautiful blonde girl whom he adored so much not want to say whether she loved him or not. These were the words he wanted to hear from a genuine person like Sarah. He wanted her to say she loves him so he could say it back. He really didn't know what love is but he knew that he'd never felt this way before. He'd never felt like this for any other woman and most especially his fiancee. He didn't know what to say but he did know what to do. He looked at her some more, specifying the most important thing that ever happened to him. One thing was for sure that he didn't want to go,but he didn't know how to react to the silence that filled after he asked her if she loves him. He opened the other door and left.

Sarah heard him opening the door and wished she could just say she loved him but she didn't want to lie. And she wished she could ask him not to leave but she couldn't she just wouldn't because maybe this was for the best. And just maybe this was her way of seeing if she loved him. Taking some time away from each other might help her understand the feelings she seems to have. These crazy feelings that have left her so confused. When she got home she found herself dad on the couch watching soccer. She didn't know what to say,she'd never seen her dad watching soccer she even decided that he didn't like it.

"Sarah your back" he said loudly
"Yeah...I mean yes sir i mean yeah dad"

Things became awkward...maybe she didn't know what to refer her dad to because he was always never home so maybe she didn't know if she had to call him father or sir or even stranger.

"Yeah honey I'm off then" her mother says entering  the living room,breaking the awkwardness between them...
Sarah went straight to her room. She didn't want to sit there and even conversate with her dad. What would they even talk about.

Sarah had so much going on...she had so much to think about,so much to worry about. She didn't want another emotional downturn from her dad. She sat in her room trying to console and convince herself that things would get better,even though she just decided not to tell Tom what he wanted to hear. She also knew that maybe what he wanted to hear wasn't what she felt exactly. She decided that she was gonna take some time off and just think things through. As much as Andrew bored her she thought maybe he was the distraction she needed. The next day she decided to text him and suggest that she comes over to his place and they talk about the olden days you know "catch up". He obviously agreed because he knew how much he would like that. He just didn't know how to ask her when Minty was there. He cleaned his place and ordered some fresh roses to give to Sarah. He even prepared his sound track in order to jam with Sarah. He even researched the things she might like, favourite movies and TV shows she'd like to watch. He researched all this information from Minty.

When Sarah got to Andrews place he was nervous and she was just mesmerized by the way it was clean. She kept wondering how to make her move on him. They sat there had some snacks,watched some movies and to Sarah's dismay she was kinda shocked as to how he liked the same Movies and songs as her. She started to enjoy being there when he just knew which shows she'd like to watch.

They sat there and Sarah kept glancing at Andrew. She just liked the way he looked,he sure didn't look anything like Tom but he wasn't bad looking. He was that guy she first looked at and just loved looking at. She remembered the times where she would stalk him on social media and just knew everything about him. She thought she knew everything about him,but what she had to learn about Andrew Pittsburgh Jnr. was that he was as lonely as she was. That he had a very bad childhood with no one to go to. Andrew noticed that she was looking at him and he got chills he kinda got scared. He didn't know if he should kiss her or pretend like he didn't notice her watching him. He too remembered those times that he used to wonder about who she was exactly. He remembered the time that she offered him her granola bar because he was hungry. He just loved being there with this girl specifically. It was at that point that he realised that he just didn't like Sarah but love her.

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