Second Chance - 2

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The next day, Armaan and Ruhi sat down on a table in the dining room of the resort. Armaan waited for Abhira and tried calling her multiple times but he didn't receive any call backs or texts from her. His heart told him something was wrong but he felt he was over-thinking. Armaan couldn't stop thinking about last night, when Abhira left him to sleep alone. Ruhi noticed the tension visible on Armaan's face and caressed his hands,  

"Everything will be okay." 

Armaan smiled at Ruhi but he wasn't genuine. He sensed something wrong when he noticed a visibly upset Abhira walking towards the dining room. She looked sad and lost. 

"Abhira.." Armaan said waving at her.  "Come here." 

Abhira looked at him and then at Ruhi, her heart ached even more as she recalled everything she heard yesterday. She chose to ignore Armaan and walked past them. 

"Abhira, ko kya hua?"  Ruhi asked shocked.  "Did you tell her already?" 

"No i didn't.." Armaan muttered.  "I'll go talk to her. You start eating." 

Ruhi nodded and took a bite of her poha while Armaan followed Abhira only to find her writing something really quickly. As he approached closer his eyes widened in horror to see the divorce papers with her. Armaan's hands started shaking and he started sweating in fear. He didn't know what to do and how to explain Abhira the situation. He snatched the papers without a single word. 

"Kya hai yeh??" Abhira asked rudely,  "Give me those papers." 

"Are you stupid? huh? these are divorce papers."  

"Yeah so? I'm not blind." 

"But hundred percent stupid. Why are you signing them Abhira?" 

"Because that's what you wanted me to oh i'm sorry you and Ruhi." Abhira said wiping her tears. 

Armaan froze in horror, he should've guessed it.  "Abhira..aisa kuch nhi hai." 

Abhira laughed humorlessly. "Oh really? then tell me that everything I heard between you and Ruhi was some school ka play going on." 

Armaan looked down,  "Abhira..such mein ek baar baat toh suno.." 

"what should I listen huh? that you and Ruhi love each other very much..and you want to be together. Oh and I'm the one who came in the middle?" 

"Abhira why are you saying this.." 

"Because it's the truth, Armaan. I always shared everything about my past and you never did...I was okay. but now this? i'm your wife Armaan. Even if I'm for another 2 months, I still deserved to know the truth and not only me but Rohit too..I'm pretty sure you didn't reveal this truth to anyone. You don't know how much this hurts. I always thought you both were best friends but this? seriously? and you were planning to give the divorce papers here you go Mr. Armaan Poddar. I've signed the papers because I cannot tolerate being the third person in your love can sign too and leave." 

Armaan stood their speechless, he didn't know what to say.  

"Please Abhira try to understand..I never wanted to divorce-" 

"Oh really? don't try to act innocent Armaan, I know you very well and after last night's conversation even more..I'm not stopping you to be with Ruhi, infact I'm trying to leave from your life as fast as possible because your happiness is in that. Ruhi would finally get here true love back which she was waiting for." Abhira smiled.  "Here's the pen and now kindly sign it. I'm not going your baseless responsibiltiy." 

"Abhira..please give me a chance to explain." Armaan stopped midway seeing Abhira ignore his words and walk past him. 

They messed it up. Very much. Ruhi stood shocked on the corner. She should've listened to Armaan. She noticed Armaan break down her gaze went towards Abhira who didn't bother turning back or even looking at Armaan. Maybe she was truly hurt. 

"Armaan..please.." Ruhi said softly. 

"What should I do Ruhi?? satisfied?? huh?? just look at how hurt Abhira is..and you want me to let go of it? I took the responsibility of Abhira not to hurt her but to safe guard her and take care of her till she's a capable lawyer. I messed it up and yet you aren't  feeling a bit of sadness? are you human or not? I know you love me but every time we can't run behind love leaving family and other's emotions on one side. I told you we shouldn't talk about this but.." 

"But what? you are talking as if I forced you to sign the papers yesterday, at that moment. You didn't na? and I let you go. How much would we hide the truth from Abhira? one day or the other she had to know the reality and understand that we are more than what she thinks. If that realization happened today, then what's the big deal?" 

"It is a big deal. I wasn't ready to explain myself because I too was shocked by the papers in her hand Ruhi. I had to prepare myself mentally to face her with the truth in the future which wouldn't lead to this chaos. Abhira's all alone and I don't know how to connect to her.."  Armaan said leaving
Ruhi stood there downhearted. She realized that no matter how much she tried to break Abhira-Armaan's relationship, they would still remain one no matter what. 


Hey, tysm for the votes on the first chapter!! Here's a quick poll...

a) Karan Tacker. 
b) Parth Samthaan 
c) Pravisht Mishra 
d) Shaheer Sheikh 
e) Zain Imam 


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