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To be honest, you weren't ready for Rin to come over. You got too nervous around him whenever you saw him. Maybe it was because of how divine he looked. Dark green hair. You never thought you'd see it, but once you did, it became another strange addiction.

But what made it worse was now. When he was at your door, and the sweat drops were placed on his cheek so perfectly that it seemed unnatural. His hair a little damp from sweat, but not soaked. Right now, this was what anyone that was sane in this world would call perfection.

"Rin?" You asked even though you knew it was him. Without waiting for him to answer that question, you opened the door to which he speedily entered through. "Hey."

One word. That's all it took to make you lose your mind. Just a single 'hey'. That was absolutely embarrassing. To make matters worse, you were still kind of ill so you couldn't challenge his composure with your energetic personality.

"Ah, hello Rinnie." You were so tempted to wrap your hands around him, but you didn't want to overstep boundaries. "Rin, can I hug you?" Your words were met with a nod before the end of the sentence. Without wasting any time, you hugged him so tight that he could barely breathe.

By the time you released him, his attention had already been directed elsewhere. "I'll make you soup, and we can watch a show or whatever you want." He left no room for objection with his words so you just complied.

When he returned, he sat down next to you after placing the soup on the table for you to consume. You turned the TV on and struggled to find something to watch for a very long time which ended in you forcing him to watch Ginny and Georgia again because he for some reason has not already.


Lil hiori
Rins taking care of me

Wishing it was me

Both know isagi struggling to decide who he's jealous of.

Oh yh, he swings tht way

He swings slurs at u when u piss him off on the field

That's not me

Is it your monster?

Not this again

Sure meg


I wish u treated me tht way yoichi


I'm going to break u

Oh? You like it rough

Lil hiori
HERLP (I want u so bad isagi)

He's always thirsting. Hea such a slut

Y/n why are you here when I'm right beside you

Because she wants me so bad

If u don't shut up istg I'll go all the way to pxg and beat u black and blue

Speaking of pxg


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