Chapter 17

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Darkstorm had Yellowfoot in his jaws, fear running through the patrol. Darkstorm eventually found the camp entrance and entered to hear silence.

Inside the camp, Morningstar sat beside Chippedclaw and Frostpaw all had shock in their eyes. Firefoot ran towards them with fear.

Shrewleaf padded slowly towards Yellowfoot. "She's gone, isn't she." Darkstorm was confused but nodded as Firefoot comforted her, greaving mother.

"Yellowfoot was my kin. Now she's gone." Darkstorm held his breath as laid Yellowfoot gently on the floor. Firefoot gently groomed her mother as Shrewleaf grieved.

Darkstorm watched as the clan gathered around to say their goodbyes to Yellowfoot. Applepaw's goodbye had Darkstorm questioning. "I'll take care of Firefoot."

Darkstorm watched as Applepaw padded towards Firefoot with comfort glowing in his eyes. Woodpaw sat beside Frostpaw as she contemplated what happened.

Morningstar leaped onto the pinebranch as she spoke with greif. "Cats of ShadowClan today we lost a good warrior, but now we give woodpaw a new mentor."

Woodpaw sat on the cool ground with sadness, but determination still showed. "Blackpelt, you shall continue woodpaw's training." Darkstorm's father nodded as he touched noses with her.

Darkstorm felt his shoulders tense when he saw his father staring at him. Feeling unsteady, he went to the warrior's den to find a nest and sleep any grief away.

Darkstorm eventually fell asleep but woke up in the dark forest he saw Deerpaw along with daydream. Deerpaw noticed Darkstorm and nodded.

"Hello, Darkpaw bloodstream asked me to continue your training for now." Darkstorm sat next to Deerpaw with pride in his eyes. "Actually, daydream its Darkstorm now."

Daydream smiled. "Good now that you're both finally warriors it's time to let bloodstream to choose her successor." Darkstorm looked at Deerpaw with curiosity.

Deerpaw noticed and stared at his paws. "It's Deerfur now, Darkstorm." The tabby warrior spoke with authority. "Well, Deerfur, let's listen to daydream, shall we?"

Deerfur nodded and listened to daydream. "Now bloodstream has been planning this for moons, and now she can start phase 1."  Both cats looked at the grey warrior and nodded.

"You see, Bloodstream will first choose an apprentice whom she can trust to help her." Darkstorm nodded, seeing this was acknowledgable and simple.

"Then she sends signs to the apprentices clan to promote them to deputy." Darkstorm looked at daydream with horror. He promised blackpelt that he wouldn't become deputy. But he wants to earn bloodstream's approval.

Daydream flicked her tail to get Darkstorm's attention. "Darkstorm, I know you won't become deputy because it'll show your father is winning, but we need to do this to take revenge for bloodstream."

Deerfur nodded seemingly, but Darkstorm kept quite remembering the words his father had said to him as a kit and apprentice. "Daydream, I will become deputy and finish bloodstream's mission, but I won't do it just to fail."

Daydream glowed with pride at Darkstorm's ambition while Deerfur admired Darkstorm. "Well, now that settled return to your clans and prove that you're worthy of being deputy."

Both of the warrior's nodded and closed their eyes. Darkstorm woke up to see Raccoonclaw and Beetleleap both sleeping. After stretching and grooming his fur, he padded out of the warrior's den and breathed in the cool air.

He saw Shrewleaf still awake by Yellowfoot with grief still glowing in her eyes. Darkstorm spotted Morningstar padding with nutfur close by her.

"Shrewleaf we must take her now so she can join starclan in their hunting grounds." The brown she cat nodded in agreement and allowed them to take her away.

Darkstorm feeling bad for Shrewleaf padded towards her to hopefully give her some hope that Yellowfoot is watching her. However before he can reach her Morningstar was calling for a clan meeting.

Padding to join his clanmates who were waking up with a gloomy feeling still lingering through the air. "Cats of ShadowClan we lost so many clanmates through the moons but we gain new warriors."

Morningstar stopped to let her clan grieve once more for Yellowfoot. "Yesterday we lost Yellowfoot but tonight is the gathering we must show the clans that ShadowClan is strong even tho we grieve for those we lost." Darkstorm's clanmates murmured in acknowledgment.

"But for now we must prepare for leafbare for we have a long hard couple of moons ahead of us." Cats yowled in agreement while some remained quiet. Morningstar then leaped off the pinebranch and stalked away with maplenose and Chippedclaw close behind her.

"Hey Darkstorm wanna go hunting with me with me and keep your mind off things?." Darkstorm turned to see Applepaw with his green eyes glowing with joy but sadness still glimmered.

Darkstorm nodded and followed Applepaw close by. When they left camp Darkstorm spoke first. " You actually didn't invite me to go hunting didn't you." Applepaw smirked and held his tail high.

"Well obviously I had to find an excuse so we can talk without being screeched at for not hunting." Darkstorm rolled his eyes and padded beside Applepaw. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Applepaw looked at darkpaw with mischief. "I had hoped you noticed woodpaw is mooning over some one." Darkstorm felt his blood run cold. "She told you didn't she."

Applepaw looked at Darkstorm with excitement. "Wait she told you but not me her own littermate." Darkstorm looked at Applepaw confusion and realized he almost revealed woodpaw's crush on owlpaw.

"Umm yeah she told me." Darkstorm felt awkward but Applepaw seemed to not notice. "Let me guess Raccoonclaw! No she's not interested in him. Oh maybe darksoul."

Darkstorm siged in relief to see Applepaw wasn't thinking about Tom's from other clans. "Well before you start getting into woodpaw's love life we should talk about what's going on between you and Firefoot."

Applepaw looked flustered as he mumbled under his breath. "Honestly Applepaw any cat could say you guys are mates. I've seen the way you comforted her when Yellowfoot died."

Applepaw's tail began to lash as he looked at Darkstorm. "Well then what about you." Darkstorm looked at Applepaw confused. "Your obviously mooning after a she cat to."

Darkstorm looked at Applepaw in horror and realized he was in love with Tigerpaw. "So who is this special she cat?"

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