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Jennie's POV

I am currently in the living room, waiting for Tae to come by and pick me up. Oh! And by the way, I-


Never mind! He's here now!

I quickly took my purse and headed towards the front door. I opened it to see Taehyung in casual wear with his infamous boxy smile.

Waaah! I missed seeing that smile on a daily basis😁

"Anyeong! Kaja?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, immediately linking arms with him. I have this habit, that I tend to link arms with people I walk with that's close to me, either it's one of the girls, Jungkook or the other oppas, so this is kinda normal.

...but I don't think Tae is okay with it because he suddenly became stiff while walking.

"Mianhe, are you uncomfortable with this, I can just let go if you want to" I said.

He shook his head, "N-no, it's okay, I'm just sort of new to this kind of stuff, so yeah... " he stammered and looked away, flustered.

I just chuckled at this, "You're weird, you just said that it was okay, yet you look so awkward!" Ha! "But I'll just let you be" I said and carried on.

We both walked towards the shop in silence, not the akward type though, this one was peaceful and comfortable. It stayed like that until we reached the shop.

"We're here!" Taehyung said and opened the door for me.

"Kamsahamnida!" I said bowing to him, and went in.

Waaah! Is Jimin oppa the only non-gentlemanly guy here? I mean there's Yoongi oppa too, but he can be gentlemanly when he wants to.

We went to the counter and looked at the menu board.

Hmmm.. What to get? What to get?

Oooh! I know!

"What do you want to order?" Taehyung asked.

"I want a Frappe and a cheesecake please!" I replied.

He nodded and faced the cashier, "We would like 1 frappe, 1 americano and 2 cheesecakes please!" He ordered politely.

The girl nodded her head and typed in some stuff in the machine thingy, before turning to Taehyung once again.

"That would be 2000 KW" she said. Taehyung nodded and handed the girl the money.

"I'll pay you back later" I whispered to him.

"There's no need" he whispered back, "but-" I was cut off when he put his finger in my lips and took my hand.

"Nope! I'm paying because I insisted and that's final, now let's go find a table" he said and dragged me towards a vacant table at the back of the cafe.

We sat down and started a casual conversation that you don't need to hear about because it's mostly about unimportant things, and it's all about wierd subjects that doesn't even make sense like;

"Have you ever thought about how many lives you killed in a day? I mean look at how many ants we kill or flies and bugs!"


"What if a zombie apocalypse happens? Or an alien invasion, who would you save first?"

But it was fun though thinking of what if and other stuff. I swear Taehyung makes up weird conversations but that makes it more fun to talk to him.

"Oh! By the way you girls should really befriend Lisa, I swear you girls are more alike than I thought, and she needs more friends aside from me" Taehyung said.

"Wait! You're Lisa's only friend here?" I asked shocked.

"Aside from her sister, yes" he nodded.

Awww~ I wanna befriend her now😢 It's not like I didn't want to before, it's just that I want to befriend her MORE now. Why didn't I just say that in the first place?

"Wae? I mean she's pretty and funny, why wouldn't she have friends?" I asked.

"Probably because she just moved here from Thailand" he answered.

"Oh! She's from another country too? Waaah! I've always wanted to go to Thailand" I said amazed.

From there, our topic immediately turned into traveling in just a second and it went on until our drinks arrived.

"Waaah! You two look so good together, good luck with the relationship!" The waiter said which made us both froze.

Us? Dating? As in me and Tae?

Why did I feel my heart skip a beat at the phrase.

"Oh no, we're not dating, she actually has a boyfriend" Taehyung corrected but I noticed that his tone changed.


"Oh.. Sorry.. But I still ship you two tho!" She said and walked away to serve other people.

Why am I like this?

"Thanks Tae, I really had fun today" I told him as we reached my front door.

"Me too! Well.. I guess I'll just see you tomorrow then!" He replied and smiled.

I smiled back and hugged him before waving at him for one last time before going in.

I sighed.

I hope that Taehyung won't avoid me again tomorrow.

✔His One Sided Love [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now