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Jennie's POV

Yesterday was the most awkward night I've ever had. I couldn't even think about what Jungkook did because of what Taehyung did. I was supposed yo be cryibglast night because of Jungkook but couldn't, instead I was up all night thinking about Taehyung.

Why did he do that?

Whatever the reason was, he sure did a great job, distracting me from Jungkook. That wasn't even the weirdest part about the whole thing.

Right after he... Kissed my cheek, my heart was beating faster than when I was crying because of Jungkook. It was like I was about to have a cardiac arrest, after! My whole face also heated up, making me think that I was probably blushing tomato red last night!

Ughh! Now Taehyung's gonna think that I'm weird! Wait... He already knows about me being wierd. But still! Ughhh!

I couldn't even escape him since I was forzen on my spot. He even took me home last night and the whole ride was legit awkward!

Now, I'm stuck in my room, thinking about what happened last night as it doesn't want to leave my thoughts. Eomma and appa are probably worried because I haven't had breakfast yet and it's already 10 in the morning.

"Jennie-ah! It's almost 11 and you haven't eaten yet! Come down!" I heard my father yell form downstairs.

I just laid there flat on my bed, having no intention of getting up. Not until my stomach growled, craving for food.

I groaned and rolled over to the edge of the bed until my lower body fell to the floor followed by my torso leaving only my head laying on top of the bed.

"Fine! I'll eat!" I talked to my stomach and stood up.

I silently made my way towards the kitchen where I saw my plate full of food untouched on the counter. I sat down and started eating.

Why did he do that?


I must've looked stupid because mu mother questioned my actions.

"Yah! Why are you banging your head? You're still too young to have a concussion!" Eomma said jokingly.

"Ha ha" I said sarcastically.

"What is wrong with you today? Did something happen last night?" She asked.

I just pouted and nodded my head while aggressively put a spoon full of rice in my mouth.

Eomma just laughed at me and said, "Well whatever that is, it must've been bothering you a lot bit I'm not questioning you so go ahead!" She said raising her hands up.

"Honey, look, someone left this at the door" Appa said as he entered the dining room with a basket full of fruits.

"Waaah! Who could've done such thing? Fruits are expensive now a days!" Eomma said as Appa placed the basket in our table.

My eyes landed on something and I immediately took it and showed it to eomma.

"There's a note" I said and handed it to her.

Her eyes furrowed at it and pushed it towards me, "It has your name on it sweetie, maybe it's for you, come on, read it!" Eomma said excitedly.

If it's an apology gift from Jungkook, I am not eating any of it!

I opened the card and read it. My eyes widened when u saw who it's from. It was an apology letter, but not from the person I expected it to be.

Dear Jennie,

So about last night... I just wanna say I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, I didn't know what had gotten into me and well I guess I couldn't stand seeing you like that and then a tear fell and well... I did..  You know. I'm really sorry if I startled you! I just hope that our friendship wouldn't end because of it. I really don't wanna lose you. You were my first ever best friend and I'd kill myself knowing that I lost you because of my stupid actions. So uhh... Can we just forget that I ever did that to you last night and forgive me? *does aegyo*


I smiled after reading the letter. Even in his apology letter, he doesn't fail to amuse me. I giggled once I saw the '*does aegyo*' part. Gosh, he never fails to entertain me. Awww~ he even signed it as his user name. That reminds me of the first time I knew about him. It's been so long since we chatted there. Hmm...

"Oh? What are you smiling about? Hmm? Is that from Jungkook?" Eomma asked teasingly.

If it weren't for what Jungkook has done last night I would've reacted differently but because of last night, my smile disappeared and I forgot that it was my mother who was talking to me.

"Never mention that jerk in front of me again, he couldn't even apologize" I said and stomped away from the dining room.

I slammed the door of my room and dove onto my bed. That's when I realized what I just did. I groaned. I looked at the card that I was holding the whole time amd thought about something.

Without hesitation, I took out my phone and typed up a message, before sending it to someone.

Meet me at the park near our neighborhood at 3:00.

It was still 12:00 and so I went downstairs to apologize to eomma about my sudden outburst.

What a day.

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