1. Vividsville High

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My morning began like any other - brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and heading out the door. But when I saw my bike's flat tire, I knew I'd have to walk to school. As I entered the parking lot, I noticed a sleek, high-end car parked near the office, which seemed out of place in our low-income neighborhood. I shrugged it off and continued towards the main entrance.

Before heading into the cafeteria, I glanced at the office wall made of glass and saw a young guy around my age standing with a dark-haired man, talking to the secretary. Our eyes met, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I quickly looked away, feeling embarrassed, and hastened my pace.

In the cafeteria, I met up with my friends Danny and Beto, whom I've known since elementary school. We rarely fought and had a strong bond. As I waited in line for breakfast, I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned around to see Anthony, who was a few students behind me. We exchanged a tense stare, and I gave him the side eye, making him look away.

After grabbing my food, I joined my friends at our table. Danny and Beto were devouring their food like they were starving. "Damn, it's not like it's going to run away!" I exclaimed. Beto retorted, "It will!" just as Danny interrupted our conversation, asking if we'd seen Teresa's Snapchat story. We leaned in, curious, and Danny showed us a photo of Teresa and Anthony smoking together at a party.

Teresa, one of the prettiest girls in Vividsville High, was known for her huge parties and rumors. Danny was sad because he wasn't invited to the party, and Beto teased him about being unpopular. I chuckled, and just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of our first class - chemistry. We were lucky to have Chemistry for first period, as we often goofed around and wasted time, much to our teacher's indifference.

As I entered the classroom, I felt something was off, like something was missing. Little did I know, this day would bring unexpected changes.

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