4. Family

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(Charlie's POV)

School ended and everyone headed home. I said goodbye to Ash, Beto, and Danny and waved at them as I was heading to my car. It has been a few weeks since I transferred schools and I finally adapted to this one, thanks to them. I watched Ash and his friends walk away, feeling a sense of comfort as Alfred, our family's server, drove me home. Once I was in my room, I collapsed onto my bed, feeling relieved that my first day at the new school had gone well. I buried my face in my pillow, savoring happiness and ease. The only thing that couldn't get out of my head was why Ash acted like that but I didn't give it much importance.

Just as I was relaxing, my mom knocked on the door.
"Honey, it's the first of the month. Come to the bathroom, I have everything ready."
I knew what this meant - time to dye my hair again. I complained as I headed to the bathroom, still in my school uniform.

My mom's obsession with dyeing my hair stems from her own vanity. As a natural blonde, she can't bear the thought of me being blonde too. It's not just about looks; it's about our family's image. My siblings all have silky black hair like my dad. She wasn't planning on having more children after me, scared that they would be blonde too but she later had twins. My mom was full with joy when the twins were born with the same dark hair like their father. I remember her beaming with joy when she came home from the hospital. It's hard not to feel a little sad to think that she probably wasn't as overjoyed when I was born.

As I sat in the bathroom, my mom began applying the hair dye.
"How was your first day, sweetie?" she asked, trying to sound casual.
I knew she was aware of the real reason I changed schools mid-semester - my dad's reputation took a hit, and my old school didn't approve it which is a really stupid reason but at the same time it kind of made sense because my dad's a very well known man.
"It went well," I replied sounding tired.

I asked my mom why she insisted on dyeing my hair every month, even though I knew the answer.
"Black hair looks better on you, sweetie, and it makes the public happier" she said with a smile. I felt a twinge of frustration - she never seemed to give me a straight answer as to why she hates my blond hair. But I knew better than to push the issue. Whatever makes her happy, I suppose.

After my mom finished dyeing my hair, I changed clothes and went to the dining room where my family was waiting. My two little sisters ran over and hugged me, and I asked them about their day. They looked tired, probably from playing all day. My older siblings were there too, but we don't really talk. There were empty seats at the table where my two older brothers used to sit. They moved out and started their own families. Soon, the other two will leave too, and I'll be the only one left with my little sisters.

My dad's chair was empty, like usual. He's always busy and rarely comes home for dinner. My little sisters barely know what he looks like. But my mom isn't lonely because our grandma lives with us. She's really nice and spends a lot of time with my little sisters. We're lucky to have her.

My mom must have known I'd be upset about dyeing my hair, but she always made it up to me by cooking my favorite dishes. Every time she dyed my hair, she'd follow it up with a delicious meal that was gobbled up in seconds soon followed by a scolding for bad eating manners.

During dinner, we talked about the weather and stuff. But when someone mentioned my dad, everyone got quiet. We finished eating and went back to our usual things. I went to my room, lay on my bed, and scrolled through my phone.

I couldn't resist searching for Ash's name on a social media app. And sure enough, his account was the first one that popped up. He was clearly passionate about soccer, with numerous posts about the sport. One photo caught my eye - Ash, Beto, and Danny beaming with pride, holding a small trophy. Another photo showed Ash cuddling a tiny white Chihuahua puppy, his smile radiant. I decided to follow him and clicked on his followers list to find Beto and Danny, whom I also followed. Curious, I checked out Danny's account, which was filled with video game-related posts, though they didn't seem to garner much attention. Beto's account, on the other hand, was private. As I continued browsing, I noticed the time and realized it was already bedtime. Feeling tired, I drifted off to sleep.

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