Chapter 2 of The Hunt: A Werewolf Story

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Outside the Howling Coyote Saloon, Natasha sits in the parking lot, enveloped in the soft light of the new moon rising in the east. Its faint glow casts a tranquil aura over the landscape illuminating the silhouette of a distant mountain range against the night sky. Meanwhile, on the opposite horizon, the sun dips below the peaks of another mountain range in the west, painting the sky with vibrant shades of orange and pink as it bids farewell to the day.

Struggling with her wound, Natasha, now in her human state once more, makes her way out into the vast expanse of the desert, putting distance between herself and The Howling Coyote Saloon. Near a towering Saguaro cactus, she locates a hidden cache and retrieves a bag from within its prickly embrace.
Within the bag lies a cell phone, a lifeline to her network.

She taps into the speed-dial, her fingers trembling slightly as she desperately wants to connect with her trusted contacts.

As the sun begins its descent beyond the horizon, casting a golden hue over the desert landscape, Natasha's heart races with urgency. She knows that time is not on her side.

But as she holds the phone to her ear, all she hears is the deafening silence of no service. A sinking feeling settles in the pit of her stomach as she realizes the harsh reality of her situation. She's alone, wounded, and stranded in this remote corner of the desert, with no way to call for help.

The wound on her right leg throbs with pain, a constant reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows. She knows that Clyde and Smiley have escaped, and it's only a matter of time before they inform their syndicate of her whereabouts. The hunters will come, and she'll be their prey, but at least she has the satisfaction of knowing she destroyed the rattlesnake venom and safely cached the briefcase of cash.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation, Natasha surrenders to the inevitable. She embraces the transformation, allowing the familiar sensation of fur sprouting across her skin to envelop her. In moments, she takes on the appearance of an ordinary wolf, blending seamlessly into the desert landscape.

It's a form she's assumed many times before, a guise that offers her a chance at survival in this unforgiving wilderness. Unlike her werewolf form, maintaining the appearance of a wolf comes naturally to her, almost as if it's second nature. As a wolf, she is able to manage on three limbs, rather than two as a bipedal human. For this, she is grateful.

As the last rays of sunlight fade into darkness, Natasha disappears into the shadows, a lone wolf navigating the vast expanse of the Arizona desert, her instincts guiding her towards safety. But deep down, she knows that the hunt has only just begun.

With each step, Natasha feels the throbbing pain in her swollen leg intensify, sending waves of agony coursing through her body. The fever begins to take hold, clouding her mind and weakening her resolve. But she knows she has no choice but to keep moving, to put as much distance as possible between herself and the danger lurking behind her.

Using the dog harness she attached to herself to carry the bag, Natasha limps forward, each movement sending jolts of pain shooting up her leg. The weight of the bag feels like a burden, dragging her down with every step, but she refuses to let it slow her down.

The vast expanse of the desert stretches out before her, an endless sea of sand and scrubland illuminated barely at all by the glow of the new moon. With each labored breath, Natasha pushes herself forward, her determination outweighing the physical toll of her injury.

Despite the darkness closing in around her, Natasha presses on, driven by the primal instinct to survive. She knows that she must find shelter, somewhere to rest and recuperate before the hunters catch up to her. With every ounce of strength she can muster, she continues to limp forward into the night, her eyes fixed on the horizon ahead.

This concludes Chapter Two.

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