Chapter 3 of The Hunt: A Werewolf Story

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Deep within the mist-shrouded mountains, somewhere in Central Asia, within the ancient walls of his ancestral home, Locor, the international leader of the werewolf species, paces anxiously. His handsome features are etched with concern, his piercing gaze fixed on the ornate doors of the great hall. Gathered around him are members of the werewolf council, their faces reflecting the same sense of unease.

As the minutes drag on, tension mounts within the chamber, each passing moment deepening the sense of uncertainty and fear. Locor's thoughts are consumed with worry for his niece, Natasha, and the dangers she faces beyond their hidden sanctuary.

Finally, with a resolute expression, Locor rises to his feet, his voice echoing through the hall with authority. "We must find her," he declares firmly.

With determined resolve, Locor turns his attention to a plan forming in his mind. He knows that Natasha not reporting in on the progress of her mission is an ominous sign. The situation requires a swift and decisive response. But as he considers his options, a memory from the past surfaces-a connection forged in the tumultuous years of the Serbia-Bosnia conflict.

General Bellaby, a trusted old friend and member of the United States Air Force Intelligence, comes to mind. Locor recalls the debt owed to him, a favor earned through past alliances and shared struggles. Now, as Natasha's safety hangs in the balance, Locor contemplates the possibility of calling upon General Bellaby for assistance

With a steely determination in his eyes, Locor resolves to make the call. He knows that time is of the essence, and Natasha's fate may depend on the strength of their alliance. As the werewolf council awaits his decision, Locor reaches for the ancient phone on his desk, his hand trembling with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The fate of Natasha and the werewolf species hangs in the balance as Locor prepares to call upon an old friend for aid.


Page 1 of 430 pages

Dossier on General Bellaby

Personal Information:

Full Name: Jonathan Albert Bellaby

Date of Birth: May 15, 1964

Place of Birth: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

Age: 59

Height: 6' 5" (195 cm)

Weight: 245 pounds (111 kg)

Eye Color: Green

Military Service:

Branch: United States Air Force

Rank: General

Graduated from West Point: 1988

Specialization: Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Imagery Analysis

Theatres of Service: Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan

Active Service: Still serving

Professional Background:

Educated: Public schools in Louisiana

Graduated: West Point Military Academy

Top of Class: Graduation Year 1989

Enlisted: Green Beret, Air Force Intelligence

Advanced Training: Signals Intelligence, Cryptology, Imagery Analysis

Career Highlights:

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