Family Ties

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Standing there in a triangular shape the 3 of them would look at one another. Megumi began to think. 'Thanks to Inumaki-senpai, The Humans and transfigured humans are gone. I can concentrate on the opponents right in front of me...Try and visualize winning against Y/n and this guy..' Toji tossed playful cloud to his other hand and Y/N wiped blood from his face slicking his hair back. 'Visualize..' Toji took aim at his son and Y/n braced himself to fend off Toji who aimed with The broken playful cloud At  megumi.'..Winning' That's when an ominous aura would ring out... which surprised megumi breaking his  concentration. "RABBIT ESCAPE!" RABBITS BURSTED OUT OF THE SHADOWS covering megumi in a shroud of rabbits.

'That presence I just felt was Sukuna's Finger being released! What the hell is going on in Shibuya!?' A small gap in the rabbits was there for not even half a second as Toji burst through on complete instinct but It meant little as before he could reach megumi Y/n was there as he hit him with an overhand almost punching him into a wall. Megumi attempted to run away but Y/n grabbed onto him and threw him into that same wall. Toji recovered quickly kicking Megumi away and then throwing a Car at Y/n. He tried to use playful cloud and pierce through Megumi but that same car he threw would damn near flatten him between a truck as Y/n threw the car back to him. Megumi was hit into a Warehouse as he attempted to escape by climbing to the first floor.

While He was doing that however The fight between the Heavenly restricted Duo. Toji realized he wasn't gonna win against Y/n with Weapons so he dropped playful cloud and cracked his knuckles. The Instinct driven Y/n tilted his head a bit before understanding quickly just what this guy was doing. Y/n's instinct was much different then He was, Although there was something that both He and his Instinct shared...They weren't about to be played like they were a Bitch. He dropped his weapon and slammed his fist into his palm. Y/n had long surpassed Toji Fushiguro but Toji Zenin was a different beast. They rushed at each other sending a punch at each other both connected sending back back.

They recovered dashing at one another once again Toji getting him into a clinch then sending a knee towards Y/n's Stomach

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They recovered dashing at one another once again Toji getting him into a clinch then sending a knee towards Y/n's Stomach.   Y/n caught his knee and hit his Former sensei with a back fist coincidentally sending him into the building megumi was in. Megumi summoned Nue as Toji was distracted. "If I can at least get one of them out of this fight...I may have a chance-" Megumi couldn't finish his sentence as Y/n Came up behind him Toji who was recently electrocuted by Nue brushrd it off and dashed at Y/n who was midair kicking him out of the building and into several others. Him having that much strength is crazy the amount he currently held was greater than Y/n's but The skill different was majing up for the strength difference. Megumi took damage from not only Y/n but Toji as well causing him to be incredibly tired as Toji ignored him to chase after Y/n.

He almost ran on air...what the hell? How was he doing that? Perhaps His Heavenly restriction was more than meets the eye. He would've slammed his heel into Y/n's head had he not been redirected into the ground and hit with a spinning round house. Y/n didn't stop there as he dashed forward and slammrd his knee into the back of his Former sensei's Head sending him further into the brick wall he hit him into breaking it down. Toji planted his hand on the ground before then using them to push himself off of the floor and send both of his feet into Y/n's face sending him back as well. They both bled considerably as Y/n split some blood out and used his thumb to wipe some from his nose. Toji used his sleeve to wipe his mouth as he smiled and Y/n kept that same frown which he did ever since his Subconscious took over.
"Y/n, Your natural talent for hand to hand combat far surpasses mine however you won't be able to even use that against cursed spirits and sorcerers for the most part...So, Its rather useless train but youll be training anyway as i want you to be better than me in everyway you can prove them wrong." Y/n who was a young child at the time simply nodded and was slightly confused why his sensei all of a sudden started talking like he was reminiscing when he hated the past so much. Well not that it mattered anyway
Y/n who was asleep before would've rushed forward at his Former sensei who sent a punch directly at his chin. He used his left hand to move Toji's right punch to the opposite side of his body where he used the momentum to roll over Toji's back and send a kick using that same momentum into Toji's stomach into the air. He pushed himself off the ground and tried to use an ax kick on Toji who somehow dodged midair and countering him and throwing him into a building himself...Y/n would have hit his spine on something as his instinct began to dwindle. He woke back up wondering where the hell he was...he felt injuries all over as he was confused...he was fighting Dagon and then...His memory didn't help him whatsoever as it was all blurried.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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