Home Sweet Carlton Mansion

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"You will never know how much I care. You are my best friend, my soul mate, and everything. You mean the world to me; I never want that to end. Me without you is like Adam without Eve. It is just unnatural. You might be my best friend, and I might not be anything to you. But I do love you with all my heart." —Sharon O'Carlin

Sperlonga's sun beat down on Juliet's shoulders as she flung her shawl aside, a vibrant splash of silk against the azure sky. "Race you to the water!" she declared, a playful challenge bubbling in her voice. Today was their last day in this idyllic paradise, and Juliet was determined to soak in every sensation before they had to leave.

The memory of yesterday's volleyball game, where the clumsy (and rather charming) new arrival had whacked Keith square in the head with the ball, brought a smile to her lips. A laugh, rich and warm, chased after her as she sprinted towards the shoreline. The cool embrace of the ocean enveloped her as she reached the water's edge, sending a shiver of delight down her spine.

Moments later, strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. Keith's laughter tickled her ear as he pulled her close, the heat of his body searing through her swimsuit. "You cheated love" Juliet tilted her head back, her blush mirroring the fiery hues of the setting sun. His grey eyes, usually so steady, danced with amusement, and the genuine smile tugging at his lips was a weapon she knew all too well – one that sent her heart into a delightful tumble.

"Did not! You're just slow!" she playfully accused, reveling in the warmth of his embrace. His playful glare deepened the dimple in his cheek.

"Really," he countered, a hint of mischief lurking in his voice. "Says the woman who got a head start!" the accusation laced with a teasing glint in his eyes. That smirk, the one that promised delicious consequences, was a familiar sight. It was the same smirk that had left her breathless on their first date, the same one that had accompanied his surprise proposal moments later.

'Mhm!' Juliet replies. Juliet couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut for a moment, the rhythm of the waves against the shore a calming counterpoint to the frantic beat of her heart against his chest. When she opened her eyes again, Keith was turning her in his arms, their gazes locking.

She can feel her heart beating against her back. The sound against the waves that surround them has a calming effect on her body. She feels Keith turning her body in his arms so she is facing him.

"Up for another rematch?" he asked, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. This time, however, his eyes glittered with something far more captivating than mere competitiveness. The cool water was a delightful caress, but the thought of leaving his embrace was a prospect as unbearable as the thought of surrendering. Yet, a nagging voice in the back of her mind whispered of the selfishness of such desires.

"A swim race?" Juliet offered hopefully, the cool water a delightful counterpoint to the heat that had blossomed on her cheeks. The prospect of staying in his embrace, even for a moment longer, was too tempting to resist.

"You're on!" Keith replied with a playful grin, pointing towards a spot where a small boat, a mere speck on the vast canvas of blue, bobbed on the waves. It looked to be about two miles from where they stood.

"Challenge accepted!" Juliet declared with a confidence that belied the nervous flutter in her stomach. She had never been one to back down from a challenge, and she wasn't about to start now. Keith reluctantly released his hold, and a shiver, not entirely from the cool breeze, danced down her spine as his warmth faded.

With a playful countdown, their race began. It was a test not just of physical prowess but also of playful seduction, each stroke imbued with a silent challenge. Keith emerged from the water twenty minutes later, a triumphant grin plastered across his face. Juliet followed a mere minute behind, breathless but undeterred.

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