Meeting the Wagner's

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"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore."― Robin Hobb

"Babe?" Juliet murmured, her voice barely a whisper muffled against Keith's broad chest. She tilted her head back, giving him a fleeting glimpse of the emerald depths of her eyes, sparkling with mischief.

Keith's gaze warmed as it met hers. A slow grin, like sunshine breaking through clouds, spread across his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes that held a question. "Yeah?" he replied, his voice a low rumble.

"Remember what Troy said?" Juliet began, her voice barely above a breath. "About needing all the luck you can get for the dinner tonight?"

Keith hummed in response, the sound vibrating pleasantly through Juliet's chest. "Well, let's just say he wasn't exaggerating," Juliet explained, her voice laced with mystery.

"And why is that?" Keith asked, his curiosity piqued. Juliet graciously detangled herself from her husnand's arms and makes her way to the closet.

"You see," Juliet replied, her fingers trailing along the soft fabrics hanging in the closet, searching for a dress worthy of the occasion. "My father's the youngest of four brothers. My three uncles, bless their hearts, only produced sons. So, when I came along," she said, pulling out a fiery neon orange knee-length dress that seemed to ignite the room, "I became the princess of the Wagner family."

"Okay?" Keith replied, a hint of confusion lacing his voice.

Juliet turned to face him, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Well, you know how fiercely protective you get when there are other guys around?" she asked, studying his face, which remained frustratingly unreadable. Sometimes, she wished she could crack his code, know what went on in that mind of his.

"Yeah?" he replied, a touch of exasperation creeping into his tone. Juliet could tell he was getting impatient with her roundabout explanation.

"My uncles are like that on steroids," Juliet said with a dramatic sigh, turning back to the closet, her search for the perfect outfit continuing. She knelt down, sifting through various shoeboxes.

"Why weren't they at the wedding, then?" Keith asked, finally voicing his main concern.

Juliet shook her head, letting out a small, humorless laugh. "See, my dad's a man of his word. He had two options, really. Either follow through with the deal your father made – no Wagner brothers at the wedding, hence a peaceful ceremony – or tell his hotheaded brothers about the contract. In that case," she continued, holding up a pair of shimmering nude pumps that perfectly complemented the dress, "we wouldn't have been celebrating our marriage; we'd be mourning your funeral."

"And you're telling me this now because...?" Keith trailed off, his voice laced with a hint of nervousness.

Juliet finally turned to face him, holding the dress up against her body. It accentuated her curves beautifully, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. "What do you think?" she asked, her voice playful, glancing down at the dress with a satisfied smile.

"Juliet!" Keith exclaimed, his voice sharp, snapping her out of her daze. Juliet sighed dramatically, tossing the dress onto the couch. She walked up to him, her movements fluid and graceful, and wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes. Her lips met his in a quick, sweet peck.

"I didn't think it was a big deal," Juliet replied innocently, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Really? Three of your uncles are out there plotting my demise, and you didn't think to warn me?" Keith said, shaking his head in disbelief.

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