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On a casual sunny afternoon in 1998, Grandma Rosiepuff decided to take her grandsons to the playground to get some fresh air....

And to finally touch some grass

Clay, Floyd, and Baby Branch were in the playground section, and John Dory and Spruce were in the skate park—not cause its for kids 10 and above or something 😁!

C: Cmon, Floyd! This slide isn't THAT high!

F: It's not! I just dont wanna burn my butt again! 😁

BH: Burn your butt? What even happened, Floyd??

As Baby Branch looked up at his older brother concerned, Floyd sucks his teeth in as he begins to tell the story

F: was a little bit before you were born, when I went down the....gulp..... TERMINATOR...

C: It's not a terminator and you know that!

F: I know! But...eesh...

Floyd shuddered as Clay rolled his eyes

C: Long story short, Floydie Boy here went down the slide a LITTLE too fast, and keep in mind it was a sunny day, and this is a METAL you can imagine what happened to him...

F: Yeah...😔🥺

C: His ass got COOKED!!


F: Ever since that day, I never went down this slide again...

C: Because you're a wimpppp~!

F: Am not!

C: Yeah ya are! I bet your butt wasn't even that burnt.

F: You're only saying that because YOU didn't get your tootsie barbecued....🥺

BH: It's okay, Floyd. I'll go down the slide with you 😊

F: Thanks, Branch but I made a vow to  never ride this slide again....

BH: Oh, okay....I'll go down then! <3

F: Okay...wait what? Branch NO!

C: Yeahh, that's the spirit Little Bro! Drop chow and climb up!

F: No! What if he gets cooked alive?

C: I think that only happens to the fruity ones ☝️😌

F: Oh okay. Wait—

C: Cmon, Floyd! Branch has more balls than you and he's a BABY!

F: I do too have balls! And I'll prove it!!

Floyd began to climb up the ladder, ready to ride that same slide that burnt his ass 2 years ago

C: Wait. I was kiddi-

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