ch3 ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ vince

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Vince. The mere sight of him triggered memories of his unwelcome advances and insincere charm back when you used to work together. You glanced at him, your expression a mixture of caution and apprehension, wondering what he wanted after all this time.

"oh shittt" liv spoke up as she followed your gaze and found him. vince used to work with you and liv back in summer and he wouldn't leave you both alone. more so you but liv still got her fair share of that treatment. unwanted compliments and touches.

Vince stepped out of his car, his gaze fixated on you. i was frozen in place. i thought i got away from him. The same smug grin adorned his face, but there was a hint of surprise as he noticed you weren't alone. you immediately felt a presence step infront of you .of course it was Amber, guarding you . your devoted girlfriend, her presence a shield against Vince's toxicity.she often got like this, overprotective. she was hard to shake out of this trance too but right now you just prayed to god she wouldn't do anything.

Amber's jealousy simmered beneath the surface as she watched Vince approach. oh god.
She knew the history between you two and despised the way he had treated you in the past. Yet, she trusted you implicitly, knowing your loyalty lay firmly with her.but that doesn't help with her anger issues.

he approached you slowly but surely with that stupid smirk playing on his lips and a toothpick sticking out. god amber wanted to stick that right into him. just as amber was about to stomp off towards him , you pulled her back not wanting her hurt even though you knew vince would probably end up the one hurt , you knew him, he'd pull something .

Vince's attempt at small talk was met with polite but distant responses from you, as you subtly edged closer to Amber, seeking refuge in her unwavering support. in all honesty ? you were scared of him , and amber was your safe place . His attempts to charm you were futile against the protective barrier of your relationship with Amber. she gritted her teeth and folded her arms infront of her chest to let him know she was angry.

Sensing the tension, he looked between the two of you and laughed while looking off. "so y/n-" Amber interjected with a firm angry dismissal, asserting her presence and dominance as your girlfriend. Vince's facade cracked momentarily, revealing a flicker of frustration before he retreated back to his car, defeated. "whatever man, yo y/n call me when you're ready for a real man!" he shouted before walking off , and you physically had to hold amber back although it was hard you knew she'd never hurt you so you was able to hold her back.

"oh shitttt CATTFAIGHTTTT!" mindy spoke using her hands around her mouth as a speaker but she was met with a nudge from her brother, "not cool man"
"oh shush you"
"right both of you stop now , losers " liv rolled her eyes .

As Vince drove away, you breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Amber's protectiveness . Her jealousy had transformed into a protective shield as she was still on edge. amber was never one to control her anger yet she done an amazing job just there. you dragged her back over to group and sat her down as she let out a huff.
"who does he think he is?!" amber spoke through gritted teeth.
"hey amber no. okay it's okay" you spoke trying to calm her down but met with her bouncing up again on her feet and started pacing , you obviously followed.
"i'm gonna kill him."
"hey you really shouldn't say that during a time like thi-" wes begun
"you wanna be next wes? i'd shut your mouth if i was you!" amber spat to which i obviously scolded her.
"amber! say sorry now , wes is right"
"no ! why should-
"fine! so so sorry wes " she spat sarcastically but hey a win is a win.

, the encounter with Vince left a bitter taste in your mouth, and clearly ambers too. the memory of his unwanted advances lingering like a shadow. Amber's grip on your hand tightened, her nails digging into your skin with a mixture of concern and frustration. she expresses her emotions by touch a lot and i appreciate her trying. i know it's hard for her to control her anger.

Sensing her distress, you led her to a quiet corner of the street, away from prying eyes and intrusive stares. aka mindy xo
Sitting down together, you turned to face her, the furrow of her brow a silent plea for understanding. i wait for her to talk first as i give her the silence i know she needs.

Amber's voice wavered as she recounted the encounter, her words tinged with a mixture of anger and insecurity. "i just.. i can't, you know how i am with my emotions , he just gets to me , your  mine and he's not taking you away from me , i can't have that i won't have that. i wanna kill him ." You listened intently, your heart heavy with empathy as she poured out her frustrations. this hit hard because not only were her feelings obviously important to you but because she rarely uses proper word communication when she's angry because she finds it hard so seeing her try warms your heart. she only does it for you though.

With gentle words and soothing gestures, you reassured her of your unwavering commitment. "i know you do but you gotta stop saying that , mindy's gonna call you a suspect" i joke nudging her trying to lighten the mood.

With a tender embrace, you held her close, the warmth of your love wrapping around her like a protective cocoon. she was always the big spoon and the more dominant so you rarely got to hold her close like this so you savored moments like this . you smiled while kissing her forehead .

"ready to go back to the group? i'll even let you slide one mean comment to wes in there?" i smirked
"oh you know me so well"
"that i do ambs that i do.."
i grabbed her hand and we made our way back to the group , we spent the rest of the time we had just talking and amber saying more than one mean comment to which i did eventually have to tell her to stop.

the bell rang , alerting us that we had to make our way to first period , amber grabbed her bag and slang her arm over my shoulder guiding us to the doors. "i'll see you later?" i ask her getting on my tiptoes and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"haven't you got maths up here with me?" she asked confused as we usually head to first period together . "oh sorry babe, forgot to tell you , got extra cheer practice so gotta go change!" i smiled.
"oh.. " she stated sadly but then came "oh.." with a cheeky smirk.

i rolled my eyes "so i get to see you in your cheer uniform?" she smirked
"i suppose you do" i play along
"mmm can't wait" she holds my waist planting a kiss on my lips.
"we gotta go , sir will kill you if your late again and coach is on me about being cheer captain and showing up early and whatever " i rolled my eyes
"yeah your right , ill come get you from lesson soon my love" and with that she kisses my forehead and leaves.

man i hate to see her leave but sure do love to see her go.  ew what the fuck when did i become such a guy. i thought

obsessed ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ amber freemanWhere stories live. Discover now