xx // Apologies!

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Hey readers! Thanks for tuning in this far!

I know I've been inactive a long while, and that's more likely to happen often because of school and all. I've been trying to focus on my grades and studying, as well as on my personal life, which has been taking quite a toll on my free time.

So I may not be updating as frequently as I used to, but I'll try my best to get back with more interesting chat roleplays and story arcs!

Also, a couple of other reminders and apologies on my part.

I know that a lot of the lore I use here based on the characters aren't sometimes accurate, and things such as relationships and character descriptions may not be so on point. For example, in the Mandela Catalogue verses, I mixed up Adam and Mark's roles. Mark and Caesar are appearently the ones that correlate with each other, with Caesar being the altnerate, while Adam is on his own arc dealing with the Intruder. I am so sorry for mixing this lore up.

Please note that a lot of the chats are meant to be humorous, and a lot of this is just my personal depiction of how the characters would actually interact if they had the option to communicate with each other. So, some stories and characters may not be 100% accurate. Please tell me if I make any errors regarding this concept.

That's all! 

Thanks for reading this far! I'll post more soon!

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