9. // Nico's Nextbots and Doors

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8:22 P.M.

IN DMS [ Stalker, angree muncee ]

angree muncee: dorcee mi tummee hurts :(

dorcee: oh nau what happan?!!

angree muncee: there was a girl who gave flours the red flours at the dooor

angree muncee: the one that say "welcom to the ball"

angree muncee: i taugt it was a macaroon and ate it

dorcee: oh em gee 😞

angree muncee: i need poo 😞

dorcee: oka come poo wit me

angree muncee: dady steak wil be mad

dorcee: oka go on u own

dorcee: staee safe

angree muncee: oka


(out of gc now)

The bathroom was dimly lit, the walls plastered with posters of monster cheerleading teams and sports teams. One read "GO SLENDERS!" and another read "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A NEXTBOT!"

"Owwww... my tummyy.." 

Munci took deep breaths, his strong, veiny hands clinging onto his abdominally prominent stomach, as he whined a bit. He covered himself in the large shadow he usually secretes to make his actual figure unbeknownst to others. A tall, slender girl with black hair and a hoodie draped over her dress walks in, looking into the mirror.

She spots Munci and nods. "Hey there, handsome." She giggled, looking through the reflection. "Name's Kate. They call me Kate the Chaser. And you?"

Munci didn't make eye contact with her, but his 7 foot shadow overloomed over her by a far stretch as he turned to face the mirror. "Hi." He showed no interest in her, whining about his stomach through stiffled moans and groans.

Kate walked a little closer to him, clearly making a suggestive approach as she trailed a finger through Munci's long, Tarzan like hair. Munci produced a larger shadow in shy response, covering himself so that he just looked like a ball of dark void with eyes.

His black, void eyes where still visible through the ball of shadow as he looked down at the lady. The shadow distorted his voice so that he sounded more glitchy when he spoke. "What you want?" He took a step back.

Kate sighed, standing there. "Are you like.. mentally stupid or something? I'm trying to flirt with you." She groaned, clearly not understanding how to make a feminine approach. She  just noticed her hoodie still over her dress and scoffed. "Shoot. Forgot to take that off." She slammed the hoodie on the bathroom sink counter. Munci looks around, like a child with no understanding of himself.

"What you want! I no like girl! Go ways! A far aways!!" Munci's shadow loomed mysteriously in the bathroom, consuming the light surrounding them.

"Holy shit! Calm down calm down!" Kate panicked, backing up. Dorceless came rushing in, seeing the catasrophe.

"Aaaa! Stooop!" Dorceless held a strong grip onto Munci, trying to control him in his panic state. Kate watched the two men hussle in fright, one trying to keep the other sane.

"Oh hell no. I try to be girly for once and this is what happens." Kate grabbed her hoodie, mumbling on her way out. "Maybe staying lesbian is a perfect suit for me." The door slams behind her.

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