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Viktor woke up hurt and dazed with an uncontrollable thirst for blood, slowly getting back to his feet and analyzing the mess in his run down budget motel room with a damaged ceiling and leaky water pipes with moldy paint around the leaks. After taking a look around his room and noticing the broken window and broken furniture, He than asks himself:

"What the hell happened here?..."

Slowly putting his hand on his neck, he reacts to the sharp pain he is feeling.

"...FUCK!! and why does my neck hurt?"

While looking for any clues to know what happened to him last night, he decides to walk towards the bathroom while avoiding broken glass and broken furniture scattered on the floor. He takes a look at himself in the bathroom mirror, noticing he has cuts and bruises on his face and two distinct small circular marks on his neck.

Viktor leans against the bathroom basin trying to remember what happened to him last night. He walks out and grabs the broom and scoop to start sweeping up the glass and than suddenly he hears footsteps approaching and stopping at his hotel room. An envelope gets slid in under his door, he than walks slowly towards the window hoping to see the mysterious person but no one's at the door.

Slowly backing away from the window, Viktor decides to approach the door and picks up the envelope out of curiosity, he places the envelope on the bed and proceeds with the cleaning up process of his room. After fixing the broken window with cardboard boxes, he decides to clear out the trash bags but than his work alarm starts ringing on his phone. He exlaims loadly:

"Fuck me!! Why now!!"

walking towards the door with trash bags full of glass shards and broken furniture.

"I gotta work at that dump again!!"

After taking out the trash while smelling like a wet dog hit by a dump truck and coming back to shut off the alarm, he walks towards the bathroom and turns on the shower but no water comes out of the pipes. Disappointed about not having his shower Viktor decided to get dressed and mask his smell with an overpriced cheap cologne he bought a week ago.

After taking a good look around to see if he hasn't missed a spot after clearing out the broken glass and broken furniture, he than continues to walk out and locks the door to make his way to work.

Upon arriving at work, a local pizza place. Viktor proceeds to clock in for his night shift of delivering pizzas as a pizza boy. Viktor goes straight to the locker room to change his pizza boy uniform, makes his way to the scooter and goes to deliver the orders he has for his shift.

While on a delivery to the downtown area of the city, Viktor takes a break at a gas station he found along the way. While shopping for a few energy drinks Viktor gets a text message from his land stating:


Viktor dropped the energy drinks he had, ran out to the scooter and made his way downtown to finish the delivery before rushing back to his motel room at the edge of the uptown area in the city.

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