Chapter Nineteen

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Mom is still getting married after she told Paul everything about what has happened

And now I am in a suit standing on Paul's side

Then my mom walked in after the bridesmaids

She was in a big light blue fluffy dress that dragged behind her

She said their vows and said I do

And now they are dancing and I am sitting down watching them

I am smiling because I know my mom is happy

Then I looked around and I saw cops walk in

Georgia Miller, you're under arrest for the murder of Tom Fuller. You have the right to remain silent. A cop said

Mom looked at me

I got up and she shook her head

Take the boy too, he is mentally unstable and she has been avoiding putting her crazy son in a mental home. Another cop said

I felt like time slowed down as I looked around at my dad and then my mom


Screw it

Then when a cop walked over I slammed a glass in his face and I ran out the room

I kept running until one of the cops pushed me down when I got outside

I got back up and punched him and he started hitting me with his baton and then threw me on the ground and put his knee on my back and handcuffed me

I had blood pouring down my face

He picked me up and pushed me into a cop car

I laughed

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