Kabir Mirza

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The sun dipped below the horizon, Kabir Mirza, King of Srinagar, stood at the edge of the encampment, his gaze fixed on the distant silhouette of Awadh's capital. Beside him stood Veer, his trusted advisor and his first cousin, the flickering light of the campfire dancing across his weathered features.

"The stars seem unusually bright tonight, Veer," Kabir remarked, his voice tinged with a hint of introspection. "As if they are watching over us, guiding our path."

Veer nodded thoughtfully, his eyes following Kabir's gaze to the heavens above. "A good omen brother," he replied. "Perhaps they are indeed aligned in our favor."

Kabir's lips curled into a wry smile. "Let us hope so," he said, his tone infused with a touch of optimism. "For tomorrow, we face a challenge unlike any other."

The journey from Srinagar to Awadh was a week long, they had covered six days of their travel and tomorrow they would watch the sunset standing on the soil of the Suryavanshi clan.

"How do you think this will pan out for us Kabir ? We need him at our side, but our approach is .. a little umm .."

"Devilish ? Wicked ? Malevolen or sinister. Take your pick." Kabir smiled. "We are doing no wrong Veer, it's the game of thrones, you win or die there is no middle ground." He said smiling as the moonlight hit his face, the sharp angles of his face making him look ethereal bathed in the soft glow.
"Don't fret, we'll know by tomorrow how this ends, now let's go."

The evening wore on, Kabir had gathered with his advisors around a makeshift table, the glow of lanterns casting long shadows across the parchment maps spread before them.

"Amir what is our course of action ?" A man in his long sleeved tunic asked, his grey long beard and beaded eyes focused on Kabir. (King)

"There is no course of action Pasha Khan." He said looking at his wazir. "We play the card up our sleeves and hope for the best. If I'm being honest I'm relying on the Suryavanshi's to hold on to their promises." ​

"And what if they don't Mirza Sahab ?" A swordsman sworn to serve his uncle from his maternal kingdom said.

"Then Rao Sahab we find another way. It's time to head home, as beautiful as my life, my childhood has been in Hindustan, I crave to go back to home."

"A home you have no memories of." Madhav Rao spit.

"Watch your tongue." Pasha Khan snipped. "Do not forget you speak to royal blood, he isn't just a Mirza but also a Jadhav too."

"Respect needs to be earned Pasha Khan, I too have earned mine and the day your Amir does, I'll bend my knee for him."

"Fair enough Rao Sahab." Kabir said with a smile. "Tomorrow we shift our base outside the walls of Awadh. My uncle's forces from Indore will join us right outside the gates of Awadh and we just wait for them to invite us inside."

"Your father is wasting his resources on him." Madhav Rao turned to Veer. "He is going to put an end to Shahbani Khan ? I think not."

"Rao you can leave." Kabir said in a voice so calm that sent shiver down everyone's backs. "As can every man who doesn't believe that Shahbani Khan's death is written by my hands, who doesn't believe that I can guide them home, who has the slightest doubt in my intentions to
put an end to his tyrant ways."

"Leave now." Veer added. "We don't need an army of cowards, a pack of men, real men would be enough for us."

Madhav Rao grumbled and left the tent. A few snorted a laugh as he left.

"He needed a reason, any reason to tuck his tail and flee. Coward." Spat a man standing a few men down from Kabir and a few nodded in agreement.
"I believe we are better off without such dogs."

"Let's all call it a night. Tomorrow is important, and pray that all the odds are in our favour."

"Inshallah." Pasha Khan said.

"Inshallah." Kabir whispered.


The dusty roads of Awadh stretched ahead as Kabir Mirza rode at the head of his army, his steed's hooves kicking up clouds of sand. Behind him, his soldiers marched in disciplined formation, their banners fluttering in the breeze.

He raised his fist and the convoy of 1500 men both his and sent by his uncle from Indore halted.

"We set our camp here." He said looking up at the walls of Awadh. Surely by know, an alarm would have been raised, they would know of his arrival.

The message of setting up the camp was relayed and soon the army had made the Awadhi soil home, well as much as they could.

The heart of the camp was where Kabir Mirza was stationed, watchtowers were quickly built with wood and report on every visible movement on the defence wall was passed on to him.

"How long before they make a move Kabir ?" Veer asked his cousin. They could sustain for a year inside for all we know but we can't, winter is approaching and -."

"You will loose your battle with this attitude brother." Kabir said turning towards Veer. "It's not even been twelve hours since we have made ourselves home." He smiled.


"Trust me, this specific date for this adventure was chosen for a reason." Kabir said pulling the strings loose of his armour.

"And when will you tell me the reason for this timing ?"

"When you ask me." Kabir replied with a smirk.

"Tell me!" Veer asked exasperated.

"Aditya Raj Suryavanshi's only daughter is to get married in a week and half, the baraat has to enter the city, they will have to lower the gates."

"His ONLY daughter is getting MARRIED." Veer repeated. His palms sweaty. "And this is the time you have choose ? You think your plan is going to work ?"

"Are you doubting me ?"

"No." Veer said flatly. "I just think you are crazy."

The sound of Kabir's laughter filled his tent.

"I've been called worse."


And love

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