Chapter 1: Practice

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(Lacey POV)

My mom had ended up forcing me onto the girls volleyball team after all of my fussing and protesting. What a weirdo. Now I'm in this stupid locker room at a school I DONT WANT TO BE IN. But at least I have my friends Jasmine, Isabella, and Kathrine. And currently we are just sitting in the locker room contemplating on why we even tried out in the first place. Well except me because I was forced into this bullshit.

"Hey Lace did you hear that Noah boy you hate is gonna be helping us out? Mrs Bass said because it's girls season she's gonna get someone from the boys team to cheer us on or something like that...she probably just wants an excuse to not actually coach us..." Jasmine says to our little group. "Well no shit...she does this every year gets a boy to help out and then does nothing." Isabella ends up replying. Like Isabella said apparently she does this every year but I honestly have no idea because this is my first year. "Well I don't really know this is my first year. But don't go around talking shit about my mom like that the fuck?" I reply raising my voice to get their attention.

Kathrine then gave me a weird ass look and the others soon followed. "Whatever....lets just head out." Kathrine says a few moments after. They all walk out of the locker room into the gym without me...what bitches. I stand up and head to the gym and go out court to begin practice. And of course that piece of shit Noah is sitting on the bleachers with soda. What a lazy fuck. But of course when I back up and get ready to serve all of those fake ass bitch are on the other side talking to each other. In the meantime I just walk off and sit on one of the bleachers I mean it's better than actually doing something after school hours. But of course I sit at the one spot on the bleachers and I can hear everything they are saying. And OF COURSE just like those high school movies they're talking about me and not in the good "Omg her clothes are so cool!" way in the "What the actual fuck is she wearing" way. But if your stupid it means their talking shit. I decide not to say anything that way I can hear all their secrets and spill them Mean Girls style.

Noah ends up sliding closer to be because those bitches started to actually do something and his fat ass shook the entire bleachers. "The fuck do you want toga boy..?" I say with a slight attitude trying to get him to fuck off. "The hells your problem? I'm literally just doing this for Patriot Point..." He says going back to drinking his soda. What a big back.

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