Chapter 24 : Tangled in Trouble : Bonds Beyond Fear

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Long chapter ahead, more than 8k words.



Meera's pov

Just like that, time has flown by, and it's December now. Our pre-board exams are scheduled for January, with the board exams following in March. God, I am so stressed. Our 10th grade is winding down, and the pressure to study is mounting.

Since that encounter with Lakhsya on his birthday, we’ve had our festival vacation, and time seems to have slipped through my fingers. We've managed to share small talks here and there—sometimes with words, and sometimes just with our eyes.

The way he looks at me sometimes, I feel like I could forget about the world around us. Our eye contact has grown sometimes intense, communicating more than words ever could.

Now, the next time we'll see each other will be during exams, and then for practicals. After that, we'll be promoted to 11th grade. Oh, God. The thought of transitioning to another school year brings both excitement and a tinge of sorrow. The impending exams add a layer of urgency to everything, yet I find myself distracted, thinking about the moments Lakhsya and I have shared.

These fleeting interactions, whether a quick conversation as we pass by each other in the hallways or a longer discussion during class projects, have become the highlights of my days. Each glance we exchange seems loaded with unspoken words, making the ordinary moments feel magical.

As the exams approach, I know I need to focus on my studies, but it’s hard not to be distracted by thoughts of him. The promise of seeing him during the exams and practicals offers a small consolation, a beacon of light in the stress of the academic endgame.

With all these thoughts swirling in my mind, I try to channel my nervous energy into my studies, hoping to balance the weight of my academic responsibilities with the lightness that comes from my interactions with Lakhsya. The journey through the rest of 10th grade feels daunting, yet the thought of moving forward, possibly growing closer to him, provides a hopeful undercurrent to the stress.


As I get ready for the extra science revision classes our teacher scheduled at school, I opt for comfort: cargo pants paired with a black hoodie and sturdy shoes. It’s not exactly high fashion, but it’s perfect for a day of intensive studying.

Preeti is also coming over to my place so we can walk to school together. I hear a knock on my door just as I’m tying my shoelaces, and a moment later, Preeti bursts in, her energy as infectious as ever.

“Ready to conquer the laws of physics?” she jokes, dropping her heavy backpack by the door with a dramatic thud.

I laugh, standing up to give her a quick hug. “With you by my side? Absolutely. We’ll bend the laws of physics to our will.”

Preeti grins, adjusting her glasses. “Exactly! Who needs Newton when you’ve got Team Meera and Preeti?”

As we start walking to school, our conversation shifts from light-hearted banter to our shared dread of the upcoming exams. “I swear, if I look at another physics formula today, I might just start dreaming in equations,” I say, shaking my head.

“That could be an advantage!” Preeti quips. “Imagine solving complex problems in your sleep. You’d wake up and just jot down the answers.”

“If only,” I sigh, bumping her shoulder lightly with mine. “What would you do if you could control your dreams?”

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