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                Hi  i am " carty "   my parents are CEO they own a  stationary company supplying an all boy school called lotus school for boys a prestigious school founded by my grandparents. 

         My former school life was terrible people often use me to cheat in exam because i am the top student and a "people pleaser" the last test i ever took ruin my life the teacher caught me helping another student even though its not the truth i never cheated i only help people do their homework but because it was a very important test she told the principle and got me expelled.

         My parents decided to fight them in court but during the time it tooks.  My parents still prioritize my education . my academic life was ruin its almost impossible for me to find another school to study at until my grandparents decided to make me take the test to get in to their school and disguise myself as a boy . 

         At first my parent don't agree with the idea but i insisted that it would be hard to find any other school for me to go to and my parents are working really hard so i don't want to be a burden so i told them that i  would attend lotus school for boys since its a boarding school they can take care of their business and the case and i'll be at the school until my name was clear. 

 thats when it all begins

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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