Chapter 19: Aether Foundation Grand Prix

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After a very happy birthday for the duo, things returned to normal once the new week started. Noivern and Sceptile chose to remain with Reeka for the rest of the semester, which only had a little over a month left. Due to that, classes kicked into high gear. There was more homework and a few more tests compared to the beginning of the semester, battles became more of a focus for the upperclassman as well. All in all, things were getting more intense for everyone.

The rumored special announcement was finally confirmed to be revealed on Wednesday, which just so happens to be the start of May.

Jaydin's group strolled into homeroom looking sleepy. They sat down at their desks and moaned.

"So tired..." Reeka said. Pikachu rested on the top of Reeka's head, using her ponytail as an improvised blanket.

"Is being a Teenager really that tiring?" Barbara asked.

"Good question..." Jaydin said.

"No...don't remind me..." Zoroark moaned with comedic tears. 'He's a teenager now...he's growing up too fast...'

This would normally be the cue for Damian to say something stupid, but remembered he got suspended for the week and was stuck in his apartment and not allowed to reenter campus.

"It sure is a lot quieter with Damian not around" Reeka said.

"They should make it permanent" Barbara said bluntly.

"Wouldn't that be nice" Jaydin said with a small chuckle.

Classes eventually started and as expected, they became more intense. Jaydin powered through nonetheless.

Eventually it was time for P.E. and it once again felt weird that Damian wasn't there, but it was a good kind of weird. The activity of the day turned out to be Soccer. Due to a few students being absent, all players were allowed to have 1 Pokemon as their ally. Jaydin went with Greninja again and Reeka picked Sceptile. Everyone was surprised that Reeka had one. Zoroark, Pikachu, Charcadet and Meltan all cheered for their trainers and teammates.

The teacher blew the whistle and both teams took off towards the ball. Reeka managed to snag the ball first. She kicked it towards Sceptile who caught it with her tail. She then whacked it towards the goal and managed to score. The two girls high fived each other.

"Not bad" Greninja said to herself.

Next it was Jaydin who secured the ball. He started running towards the goal but instead of kicking it towards the goal he kicked it into the air. Greninja suddenly appeared and grabbed the ball with her webbed feet. While still in the air, she kicked the ball into the goal. Jaydin and Greninja high fived each other as well.

"She's got skills" Sceptile said to herself.

The game continued, Greninja and Sceptile doing most of the scoring. Jaydin and Reeka noticed they seemed to be secretly competing against each other.

The game finally ended and it was of course a pretty one sided game. Nonetheless everyone changed out of their gym clothes and headed to lunch.

The rest of the day continued and the school day eventually ended. Jaydin and Reeka were walking back to their dorm.

"Your Sceptile was amazing" Jaydin said.

"Thanks, we've been together since I found her as a Treeko" Reeka said.

"How come you didn't bring her with you to school?" Jaydin asked.

"Well...when I found her, I wasn't old enough to actually catch her, so I asked my parents if they could and my mom ultimately caught her. I was happy and thanked her but I knew she only did it so I'd shut up. But I still took care of her and played with her and Pikachu all the time. Noivern would also join sometimes too, but mainly to make sure I wouldn't get hurt" Reeka explained.

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