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I let out a groan as I wake up.

Shit, I passed out again...

Pan wanted a new bottle of whiskey from the mortal realm since "it tastes batter".

I don't know why he likes the mortal realm so much. He's always asking for me to bring things back for him, I hate it.

My eyes open up a little and I suddenly see a girl through the thin slits.

"Shit!" I shout out of panic and immediately take flight. I back up into the corner of the room with the little magic I have left.

God, the mortal realm is draining.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I bark at the girl out of panic.

As I look around the room all I see is a large window, an old trunk and a mattress placed in the center of the room. The same mattress I just woke up on.

Eventually, my eyes travel back to the girl who's staring up at me in wonder. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is gaping open, just like every mortal reaction.

"Uh... You..." She struggles for words.

"You were on the ground. You fell from really high up, are you hurt?" Her concern almost makes me want to laugh.

I flutter back down onto the ground and as I do, her eyes never leave me.

"What are you...?" She asks, still clearly amazed.

I'm not surprised. She's a human and has probably just seen a man fall from the sky. Better yet, he has wings and glitter falls from them when he moves.

"I reckon you'd call me a "fairy"?" I look over at her, moving a little closer and she's unsure of this.

"What? But I don't believe in-" But before she can finish her words, I jump at her. My hands cover her mouth tightly.

Her eyes widen in surprise at my sudden action and she mumbles something back at me from under my grip.

"Never say that. If you say it, one of us will die" I tell her with my voice much softer than before.

I'm calmer now.

She nods in response to my words and I take my hands off of her mouth.

It's not like the girl can do anything to me. She's much shorter than me, doesn't seem to have any muscle on her and some of her bones are prominent through her skin. Almost as if she hasn't had a good meal all her life.

Suddenly, her head darts around upon hearing the sound of loud footsteps and she pushes me towards the mattress.

"Hide. Get under the covers and stay quiet" Her voice is a whisper as I climb under the blanket on the mattress.

I can't see much, but I can hear everything that's happening in the room.

"I heard talking. Is someone in here?" There's an angry, grumbly voice inside the room. A man's voice.

"No, Dad" The girl's voice is quiet and quivers in response.

When I decide to peek from under the blanket I'm met with a large man, clutching a bottle of whiskey and looming over the girl.

She's frozen. Terrified.

"I'm not stupid, girl" He grunts back at her, yanking her closer to him by her hoodie.

"You hear me?!" His voice grows louder and he's practically shouting in her face.

I don't like this. He's wobbly on his feet and his speech is slurred so he's clearly drunk. I watch his movements carefully until he's suddenly raising his hand at her.

Before he can even try to swing at her, I'm already leaping out from the blanket.

Without thinking, I fly out, scoop the girl up in my arms and head for the window.

I've got just enough magic to get her out. To save her.

She lets out a sharp gasp once she realizes we're up in the air and her arms wrap around the back of my neck. Her body shakes and I can't tell if it's from terror or from the bitter cold on her skin but it's not pleasant either way.

"It's ok, I've got you..." I whisper to her sending her to sleep in my arms.

It's quiet but I can only think one thing:

Pan's going to kill me.

Forever - A Peter Pan RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now