Chapter 4: The Animal and The Man

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Waking to the smell of hot tea and fresh bread had always been one of Iulius's favorite parts about being married. That, and the music of little feet scampering down the hallway.

Lying awake in bed, he listened to the harmony of pitter-patter echoing across the hardwood before scurrying down the stairs and into the kitchen. Closing his eyes, he could clearly remember that same joyful racket being orchestrated his own sons back when they were younger, though that was many years ago. Now, that same melody was the work of his grandchildren. And though their tune didn't carry the exact same tempo or fervor as his own children, Iulius still considered himself lucky to wake to such a precious tune.

"Papa!" his granddaughter called out from down the hall. "Wake up! Gran-Meri has pancakes ready!"

Pulling himself up out of bed, he began to wonder at what point in life did sleeping start hurting more than helping.

"Papa!" she called out once more.

"I'm coming, dear."

With a low groan, Iulius rose to his feet and began going about his morning routine of washing his face and trimming his goatee. Once he was satisfied that he looked somewhat presentable, he finished getting dressed before heading downstairs to join them all for breakfast.

As always, his granddaughter, Hallah, was the first to greet him.

"Papa!" she cheered while hugging him around the waist. "I'm glad you're ok! I was worried about you!"

"Dear child, why wouldn't I be ok? I was just sleeping."

"Because of the bear!" As she answered, her eyes shot open wide with excitement.

"The bear? Dear child, what bear?"

"Miguel told me about it! He said there was a big, hungry bear in your room!"

Looking across the dining room, he spotted his grandson sitting at the kitchen table trying to hide his grin. "Ahh, I see. And what exactly was the bear doing in my room, I might wonder?"

"He was going to eat you, Papa!"

"Oh, was he now?" he snickered. "And I assume Miguel told you that, too?"

"Well, it sure sounded like a bear," Miguel chuckled while smearing jam across his pancake.

"I told him, Papa! I told him!" Hallah began chanting while taking her seat. "I told him you didn't get eaten by a bear, but he didn't listen."

Following her to the table, a grin grew across Iulius's face. "Well, better to be eaten by a bear... than a weasel!" he shrieked while running his fingers under her armpits to tickle her ribcage.

Immediately, Hallah erupted into a fit of laughter while trying to squirm free. "No, Papa! Not the weasel! Not the weasel!"

About that time, his wife rounded the corner of the kitchen with another plate of fresh pancakes. Setting them on the table, she shot him a stern yet playful glare. "Now, dear, you're going to get them all wound up before the day even starts."

"Well, we wouldn't want that now, would we?"

Smiling, he waited for her to go back into the kitchen so he could begin tickling his granddaughter once more.

"Iulius!" she snapped.

"Merideth," he replied with a smirk.

For a moment, they just stared into each other's eyes, a game that Iulius was all too happy to play. Even after being together for over thirty years, he still found it hard not to get lost in her loving gaze. She had been his one and only, the mother of his children, the faithful rock on which his entire life had been built. And even now, thirty some odd years later, he still considered her to be just as beautiful as the day they were wed.

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