Chapter 6: A Raven Among Crows

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Flanked by a half dozen guards and led by a man with a funny hat, Guile passed through the city square as if he were the main attraction in the world's most pathetic parade. From the city gate all the way to the palace steps, droplets of blood were splattered across the cobblestone – a trail that served only to commemorate Guile's own hopeless pride. As one might expect, the same crowd that had gathered the evening before had now gathered again. Keeping a fair distance away, they watched and whispered to one another while gazing in awe at the pitiful mess being marched before them.

And though all of this might have been a life-altering embarrassment for anyone else, Guile seemed more annoyed than anything. After all, just a few hours ago he was ready to throw himself on a sword. Now, he was being led around Hanseti by some fool whose hat looked like a sailboat.

"You're going to have to slow down," he grumbled.

Not even bothering to turn around, the steward let out a long sigh before begrudgingly slowing his pace.

Passing by the church, Guile noticed the bishop and his priests gathered outside, all of whom were pointing in his direction, glaring at him as they talked amongst themselves. Likewise, just like the night before, that familiar little red-haired girl sat all alone atop the church steps. Seeming unphased at the sight of him, she continued clinging to her doll while she poured over the crowd of nameless faces, as if she were looking for something or someone in particular.

However, all these things quickly became muted as Guile approached a massive set of granite archways that served as a frame for a pair of large, oak doors with gold plated fixtures. As he ascended the steps, he could feel his stomach tightening into knots. He knew that whatever lied beyond that threshold would seal his fate indefinitely. What's more, he knew that there was almost no chance that it would be a fate worth embracing. And when those doors finally opened, nothing could have prepared him for the marvelous splendor that awaited just inside.

Perhaps the best words one could use to describe what Guile saw would be impressively intimidating. Entering into a large central foyer, four pairs of ornate wooden doors flanked both side of the chamber, two along one wall and two along the other. On the floor, the mural of a crow had been carved into the stone and timed with copper plating. Ahead of that, a large, red and yellow rug led toward a massive wooden staircase that branched off to the right and left. Overhead, an enormous chandelier hung from the ceiling. Along its brim where pieces of polished quartz that were spaced equally apart so that they scattered a cascade of miniature rainbows along the walls.

But perhaps most breathtaking of all, and something that even made Guile stop in his tracks, was a giant oil painting that hung between the sets of stairs along the far wall. It was of a woman whose beauty was simply beyond compare. Completely nude, a porcelain mask covered her face, hiding even her eyes. In one hand she held a scepter made of precious jewels, and in the other she held flower. Perched atop one shoulder was a crow with jet-black feathers, and atop her other shoulder was the rising sun. Stretched out beneath her, she stood upon a map of the entire world, with one foot rested atop a mountain and another foot at the bottom of the sea.

It was an awe-inspiring sight to behold, even for Guile.

"Uh-huh!" the steward coughed, snapping Guile back to attention. "This way," he huffed while stretching his hand toward the staircase.

As Guile limped along, slowly making his way up the steps, a flash of movement along the second-floor banister caught his eye. Glancing over, he noticed a young boy peeking out from behind the balcony railings. Realizing he had been spotted, the boy's eyes went wide, and he ran off down the hallway.

Finally making it to the top of the stairs, the steward and two of the guards walked over to one of the doors nestled in the far corner of the balcony. As the guards posted up on both sides of the door, the steward knocked against the threshold.

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