Chapter 7 - Unvited guests at the sleepover

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Doctor Silver came home in scrubs at 11 at night. Doesn't his hospital ever let him change there.

Merina opens the door for him, introduces herself and assaults him with a hug. I am surprised he dot take out his gun.

He just hugs her back and smile at my friends. "Hey ladies, I am Doctor Silver."

He then looks at Merina and say, "You might want to take a bath now, I wore that in surgery."

Emily laughs and extends her hand out to Doctor." Hope you at least washed your hands, I'm Emily." Her French accent is dominant in her voice.

"Congratulation on the engagement, Merina." He calls out to my friend who is rushing in for a bath in her former room.

Doctor noticed her ring.

Nina says hey without raising her eyes from her phone.

" had dinner yet?" Doctor asks us three.

No we reply in unison. I suddenly feel hungry.

My friends came in together at 9, we started talking and lost the track of time. Doctor offered to cook for all of us. He excused himself to change and promised to be back in 15 minutes and cook. This was unexpected, he hasn't cooked for me before. This is new, not that I am complaining.

We brainstorm some ideas for Merina's bachelorette till she is in the washroom. She recently got engaged and the wedding is in a month. We are her bridesmaids along with her three sisters. I have never attended a wedding before I am excited.

Merina returns and my friends turn their attention to me.

"You should try modelling now that you are not going to school?" Merina suggests.

Nina loves the idea, "Your new haircut is very chic, you finally open your hair again too, it makes you look even prettier. You should definitely model."

Emily stays quiet.

"Model for my Meri startup, " Merina says while making a face she thinks is adorable.

" I need an internship for my psychology degree on the side along with focusing on my writing job." I tell them.

I squeeze Merina's hand and tell her" I am so proud of how far you have come this year with you startup while handling college on the side. You didn't even miss classes. It would be an honour to model for you. But I can't take too much on my plate. I am sorry."

Merina hugs me and looks at me up close," I am proud of you more, you are my favourite writer. And I had a lot of help from my sisters, so don't compare. I still think you should model for our new collection but I will leave it upto you."

"She will do it." Doctor Silver says coming out of his room.

Merina and Nina agrees and it gets decided, no one hears me out anymore.

So much for I leave it upto you.

Emily soon warms upto the idea as well.

They all talk about me all dressed up for the photo shoot and how they will purposefully make sure that I can't wear formals.

It annoys me to see my friends get along with this man. He clearly has an affect on females. Normally I would be attracted to him to, he is an attractive man, but he annoys me so much that I can't see past his smirk.

Bell rings and its Wilson. I can't even get angry that Doctor called him without telling me, I did the same.

He got some groceries which he dropped and left.
Doctor took them to the kitchen and asked us to wait, he will surprise us. I need to find a good house help ASAP. I can't deal with Wilson anymore, anything I tell him to do he goes to seek approval form Doctor to carry the simplest actions out.

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