part ❤️ 9

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The employee explained, "Sir, we have a problem with a project that we have to deliver to the client tomorrow."

Tay inquired, "What's the problem?"

The employee responded, "The last part is the design, but the designer had an emergency and had to go home."

Tay's frustration erupted into anger as he shouted at the employee, "If the designer didn't have to do his work, why is he even here? If he can't take responsibility, now you tell the department head to find the designer and make sure the work gets done tonight!"

The employee replied, "We already tried, sir, but couldn't find anyone." At that moment, New entered Tay's cabin, hearing the loud sound. No one dared to enter the room now to face Tay's anger. New knew he shouldn't have gone there in the first place, especially since Tay had already told him not to interfere with his work or his life. But he felt compelled to help defuse the situation.

Tay noticed New entering the room, and his voice grew even angrier as he addressed him, "What are you doing here? I'm very angry right now, don't make me angrier, and also, why didn't you knock on the door?" New replied apologetically, "I'm sorry for not knocking on the door, but can you tell me what happened?" Tay retorted, "What will you do if you knew what happened?" New responded calmly, "I can help you if you need." than
Tay proceeded to explain to New what the problem was.

Tay's office buzzed with urgency as they faced a project crisis. Tay, his frustration palpable, turned to New, "Now that you know the problem, what will you do? Do you even know any designers?"

New, unfazed, replied confidently, "I can make a design if you want."

Tay's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You know how to design?"

New nodded. "Yes."

Tay pivoted towards the employee who brought the issue to his attention. "Brief New on everything about the project and what's needed for the design. I'll deal with the designer later." As the office hours drew to a close, the project idea was handed over to New, who wasted no time in diving into the design work. With determination etched on his face, New began sketching out the concepts, his mind fully focused on the task at hand.

Realizing that it was getting late and everyone was still at the office, New spoke up, "You all don't have to stay. I can finish this alone."

The employee hesitated, looking uncertain. "No, sir. If we leave, how will you manage?"

"You all don't know how to do design, so you don't have to stay. Go home," New insisted firmly.

"But the boss will be angry with us if we leave without finishing," the employee argued, concern evident in their voice.

"It's okay. I'll talk to him," New reassured them, his confidence unwavering.

With a collective nod, the employees gathered their belongings and filed out of the office, leaving New alone to tackle the project. At 9 am, Tay emerged from his office and found the workspace deserted, with only New diligently working away. Confused, Tay approached New and inquired, "Where is everyone? Why are you working alone?"

New looked up from his work and calmly replied, "I told them to go home."

"Why did you tell them to go home?" Tay questioned, his tone betraying his frustration.

"I was the one who designed the project, so they didn't need to stay," New explained.

"This is their responsibility, not yours. You're doing their work by yourself. They should have stayed until it's finished," Tay countered firmly.

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